AdrX003 What am i gonna do with a folder? it says usage : loadmod "mod/[modname]"

Maximizer Blake
[T6] AdrX Test Weapons first OAT Port -
[T6] AdrX Test Weapons first OAT PortI don't see read me, can you show me how?
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapssehteria what about [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons to all maps?
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapssehteria It's new years, can you please do [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons to all maps?
exceeded maximum number of child server script variablesSo do i.
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapssehteria Can you do [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons to all maps on new years?
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsMaximizer Blake Okay
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsAdrX003 What am i supposted to do with this?
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsAdrX003 I still don't know how to doing it myself?
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsDec I don't know how to doing it myself?
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapssehteria Can't you do [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons and zm_perks - adding all perks to all maps? Because i'm getting bored for waiting.
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsIvobardolf I know
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapssehteria I'm having a hard time for waiting for you to update [Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding campaign and multiplayer weapons and zm_perks - adding all perks to all maps.
"Server Disconnected - server script runtime error exceeded maximum number of child server script variables"I had a problem on mine too, i play 8 players on zombies mode on every maps i got server script runtime error, is there a way to fix it?
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsiElec I can't do my own mod, because it's too hard.
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsI'm getting bored for waiting for you to update.
[Alpha] [Zombies] BO2 Zombies BotsCould you update about this bot modes: wander bots, stay bots, and follow bots.
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapssehteria that zm_weapons & zm_perks was a past thing.