Yes. It will default to random for every map:

[Release] [ZM] Select your character options for solo custom game -
[Release] [ZM] Select your character options for solo custom gameYay!!!
Thank you for pointing me to this and talking about how it could be done.
Sounds awesome.
Imagination is everything, and it sounds like you've got lots! -
[Release] [ZM] Select your character options for solo custom gameHello Plutonium,
This project adds the option to select your character on every map in a solo custom game
Project link:
With custom zombie maps:
Without custom zombie maps:
Zip: Install Guide.txt to install this mod (I forked this from dontknowletsplay) Guide.txt
Note: I rushed this to get a release out before Christmas. If you find any bugs, please let me know and I can try to resolve them
Special thank you to dontknowletspl for making his project open source. What a god!
Also thank you to GOLD3N 4RM for telling me about dontknowletsplay's mod.Original releases:
[Release][ZM] Select your character scripts for soloI found the the mod you are talking about
Bonus it's open source, what a god!
Yes, I am going to work on this.Thank you for pointing me in this direction!
[Release][ZM] Select your character scripts for soloThis is the first I've heard of this, other than seeing different menus in different versions of plutonium and redacted. I like it, and I think it's possible to do but requires specialized expertise that I lack. If there are open-source resources, documentation available, or someone willing to share such knowledge, then it becomes a practical option. As of now, however, I don't possess any information on this topic. But it's doable!
[Release][ZM] Select your character scripts for soloSorry I missed your post GOLD3N 4RM
I'll check more often -
[Release][ZM] Select your character scripts for soloResxt Thank you!
[Release][ZM] Select your character scripts for soloTahjGadd Thank you!
[Release][ZM] Select your character scripts for soloHello Plutonium,
- These scripts allow a player to select their character for each map when playing solo
Preset to:
- Burried: Misty
- Die Rise: Misty
- Mob: Weasel
- Origins: Richtofen
- Tranzit: Misty
Ive added a comment to each script with alternate choices for character index
Zip: Weasel
// Misty on burried
// Richtofen on Origins
- Navigate to the T6 Plutonium scripts folder by pressing Win+R and pasting: %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm
into it, and hitting Ok.
- Extra contents of the Zip file
[Release][ZM] Always CIACan do!
It's a bit more complicated.
My discord is sipster -
[Release][ZM] Always CIAThank you so much! JezuzLizard
Good to know.
That's an awesome feature! -
[Release][ZM] Always CIAHello Gamers,
- A script that makes you start as CIA in survival maps.
This script can be modified to be CDC only if you prefer (by changing the 1 to a 0)
Compiled version:
- Navigate to the T6 Plutonium scripts folder by pressing Win+R and pasting: %localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm
into it, and hitting Ok.
- Extract the contents of the zip file
If you are using Plutonium r2905:
- Navigate to the T6 Plutonium scripts folder by pressing Win+R and pasting:
%localappdata%\Plutonium r2905\storage\t6\scripts\zm
into it, and hitting Ok.
- Extra file into location
More information on how to install:
Always CIA:
- A script that makes you start as CIA in survival maps.