Aún no se ha implementado la verificación de que tienes el juego original, pero para lavarse las manos hasta entonces han quitado los enlaces a los juegos pirata.
O te compras el juego de Steam o te buscas la vida por ahí y te lo descargas gratis. No voy a poner ningún enlace porque probablemente los administradores me banearían, pero te garantizo que no es muy difícil.
Pero eso sería una solución a corto plazo. Te recomiendo que busques o esperes alguna oferta para comprar el juego, aunque también es arriesgado ya que no sabemos si Activision va a tumbar Plutonium mañana, dentro de 2 semanas o nunca. Podrías gastarte el dinero en un juego que disfrutarás 2 días o todo el tiempo que quieras. Es una lotería.

Descargar Call of duty -
Randomly bannedWere you banned from that specific server or from the whole launcher?
If it is the first one, I believe server owners have the right to ban anyone they want from their server for no reason.
If you got banned from the launcher itself, then probably you did something that triggered the AntiCheat. -
Change custom camos@DoomedByRezions Don't know, but you could download a big pack of custom camos that at least contained one custom camo for each regular one, so you'll have all the names in there.
Shotguns with Blue EyesWTF. I'm shocked and dissapointed with Treyarch at the same time.
Shotguns with Blue Eyes@M0untainLight6 I really doubt it since back in ps3 I didn't play a single game in which I died before r30 and I never got it because I didn't have 100 k/d. Where did you find that?
Mods in Custom GamesYes, but you mustn't inject the mod, you have to do it by copying the .gsc file in the t6r folder. Search for whatever mod you want to use and follow the guide as long as it doesn't include injectors. If you use them, you will trigger the anti-cheat.
BO2 zombies crashesProbably, I used another one before and it worked, but it didn't have as many options as this. The mod is Project SENTINEL, I found it posted by one of the staff members. But like I said, it isn't a problem for me since perma perks are easy to obtain, I just pointed it out in case you are interested on doing something to solve it since most people struggle to even get to round 10, so getting them for free would probably help them.
I still have the .dmp crash file in case you want to address it. -
BO2 zombies crashesHello, whenever I use a legal mod menu in zombies (I have not injected anything, I've done it with one of your guides) and I use the "unlock all perma perks" the game crashes. At first I thought it was because I was playing in Origins, so it made sense since there are no perma perks on that map. But then I jumped into Buried and still happened. I don't really care about it, most perma perks are easilly obtainable, but I though you might wanna look into that. Do I need to post the .dmp file?
Shotguns with Blue EyesRanks depend on your overall k/d proportion: if your k/d is above 70.0 and you have the skull with blue eyes you'll get the skull with the knife, and for the shotguns you have to get the knife with blue eyes and get your k/d over 100.0.
About getting the blue eyes, you just have to play well and you'll eventually rank up, with a round +35 you will propably rank 2 or 3 marks. 5 for the blue eyes. -
I have a crash problem on my T6 (BO2)@FakeAut ok, I asked because the tab out thing is what happens to me. The only thing I can offer you is a post the staff made about repairing your files: https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/6353/how-to-repair-your-t6-installation?_=1630021389472
I have a crash problem on my T6 (BO2)does it actually crash or does it tab out and doesn't let you in again with the game is still running?
About mod menusOk, that makes it all clear, thak you for the quick response.
About mod menusI've recently seen a lot of people complaining about them getting banned and stating that they used mods in solo or private matches.
I'd like to know what's exactly the criteria, because I use a mod menu that a member of the plutonium staff provided in a thread. That mod is only usable in solo and private games in which you are the host, and I'm afraid that could happen to me too. -
joining game not workingXerxes Oh really? I didn't know, are you aware of any of them specifically so I can use that instead? (apologies for the delay in the response, I can only post every 10min)
joining game not workingXerxes Can I ask why?
joining game not working-removed-