DirkRockface Got it. Thank you very much! I should be capable of following these steps but will reach out if I need assistance.
ZM and MP servers broke recently -
ZM and MP servers broke recentlyResxt Honestly not sure. Do server updates happen automatically? Or are you talking about a client update?
ZM and MP servers broke recentlyHello,
Recently my friends and I stopped being able to connect to multiplayer or zombies servers that I host from my machine.
I changed my API keys for both to no avail. Port forwarding settings seem to be unchanged, although even if they were it's still very odd I can't connect to matches hosted on my own machine (
Any next steps for troubleshooting? Common failure points? Very confused since I (as far as I am aware) reconfigured nothing relating to the servers. Thanks!
Random map rotationI've got a python script i can post soon that randomizes maps