Darth_Kanetaker try use reshade program for using new colors

2k textures graphics for terminal_cls and mw2 maps in iw5 game (add snow mod &night time& mini raider for dlc maps -
2k textures graphics for terminal_cls and mw2 maps in iw5 game (add snow mod &night time& mini raider for dlc mapsGhostRider0125 didnt try it , im not using software like this
[Release] MW HUD for MW3thank you
call of duty mw2 into mw3 , huds , icons , sounds , battlechattersfeel lazy to take picture you can try it by your self
[Release] Default Visions!here is 6 AM time for you can put these code in any map in vision folder in pluto iw5 client
r_glow "1" r_glowRadius0 "15.35" r_glowBloomCutoff "0.9" r_glowBloomDesaturation "0" r_glowBloomIntensity0 "0.85" r_filmEnable "1" r_filmContrast "1.5" r_filmBrightness "0.168" r_filmDesaturation "0.3" r_filmDesaturationDark "0" r_filmInvert "0" r_filmLightTint "1 1 1" r_filmMediumTint "1 1 1" r_filmDarkTint "1.19 1.19 1.19" r_primaryLightUseTweaks "1" r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength "1" r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength "1.2"
12 PM
r_glow "1" r_glowRadius0 "9.32874" r_glowBloomCutoff "0.231778" r_glowBloomDesaturation "0" r_glowBloomIntensity0 "0" r_filmEnable "1" r_filmContrast "0.87104" r_filmBrightness "0" r_filmDesaturation "0.352396" r_filmInvert "0" r_filmLightTint "1.10838 1.10717 1.15409" r_filmDarkTint "0.7 0.928125 1"
blue night
r_glow "0" r_glowRadius0 "22.4138" r_glowBloomCutoff "0.891871" r_glowBloomDesaturation "0.8" r_glowBloomIntensity0 "1" r_filmEnable "1" r_filmContrast "1.58" r_filmBrightness "0.25" r_filmDesaturation "0" r_filmDesaturationDark "0.16" r_filmInvert "0" r_filmLightTint "1 1 1" r_filmMediumTint "1 1 1" r_filmDarkTint ".53 .777 1" r_primaryLightUseTweaks "0" r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength "1" r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength "1"
r_glow "0" r_glowRadius0 "22.4138" r_glowBloomCutoff "0.891871" r_glowBloomDesaturation "0.8" r_glowBloomIntensity0 "1" r_filmEnable "1" r_filmContrast "1.45031" r_filmBrightness "0.2" r_filmDesaturation "0.3" r_filmDesaturationDark "0.0" r_filmInvert "0" r_filmLightTint "1 1 1" r_filmMediumTint "1 .75 .75" r_filmDarkTint "1 1 1" r_primaryLightUseTweaks "0" r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength "1" r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength "1"
Bot Warfare Waypoints for Custom Maps?maeso file deleted
19.08.2023 Bot Waypoints for Custom maps and otherthank you , also i have additional more waypoints about 2 more maps i think ,bots names renamed , also i add battlechatter for your own solider can speak reloading/throw frag
here is the link