Is there a file or constant I need to import for this to work?
level.zombie_move_speed = 71; // works
level.zombie_move_speed = "super_sprint"; // doesn't
self.zombie_move_speed = "super_sprint"; // doesn't
gsc script. I copied constants from another post not sure how accurate they are for round 100
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility;
level.round_number = 100;
level.zombie_move_speed = 71; // sprinters - not sure how fast zombies on round 100 are. I assume super sprinters by then
level.zombie_vars["zombie_spawn_delay"] = 0.08;
EDIT: Thanks for the help. After setting the round number manually I am able to adjust the move speed to the appropriate value with:
level.zombie_move_speed = level.round_number * level.zombie_vars["zombie_move_speed_multiplier"];