How do you, for example, patch v2.0.0 Alpha 5 on top of the latest release (v1.3.4) that has an install guide?

Black Ops 2 Zombies Reimagined -
Black Ops 2 Zombies Reimaginedsquirtle_gaming Heavily agreed, I understand that the intent is to focus more on actual BO2 weapons, but the BO1 weapons (especially the Python, Galil, M16, and MP5) are classics to Black Ops zombies even though they're not as awesome as they were on actual Black Ops 1. I could even make the argument that the Olympia should be buffed and moved elsewhere on the maps as a valid replacer for WaW's Double Barrel. The campaign weapons held a purpose and choosing to completely remove them is a controversial decision in an otherwise stellar mod to improve the state of BO2 zombies.