winecfg -> Graphics -> Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows
T6 Zombies crashes under wine 6.1 + dxvk (master) -
[Guide] How to run Black Ops 2 Zombies on LinuxI'm making this post primarily as a compilation of steps used to get Plutonium and Black Ops 2 to run and hopefully help people who have trouble. As such here are the main posts I referenced to due so:
For getting Plutonium Client to run
For getting Black Ops 2 to runAutomatic Installation via Lutris:
Go here and clickShow unpublished installers
and install the Plutonium one (do not install Gecko or Mono) and just follow the prompts.
Alternatively, you can also install it in Lutris by saving this code asplutonium.yaml
and runninglutris -i plutonium.yaml
Manual Installation via Wine:
This guide is aimed at Debian-based distros, but should work on others provided you make the necessary distro-specific changes.
Step 1: Installing Wine
Install wine-staging 6.0This is for Ubuntu, for Debian click here
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 wget -nc sudo apt-key add winehq.key sudo add-apt-repository 'deb groovy main' sudo apt update
After setting up the WineHQ repository run:
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging winetricks
Step 2: Setting up the wine environment
In your terminal enter (this is per-terminal session, if you restart your terminal you'll need to redo this)export WINEARCH=win64 export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_plutonium
Run but DO NOT install Gecko or mono when wine prompts. I don't know if it breaks anything, but just in case it does, don't touch it.
Now you need to install the required dependencies. The winetricks commands are split up for visual clarity and if something breaks it'll be easier to see which one is the issue. No idea which ones are needed, but I'm going through 1 by 1 what I did.
If at any point in the following you run into an issue about checksums not matching run:
sudo winetricks --self-update
your distro's repos are likely behind.winetricks -q --force dotnet48 winetricks -q d3dcompiler_47 corefonts winetricks -q vcrun2005 vcrun2019 vcrun2008 vcrun2012 winetricks -q d3dcompiler_43 d3dx11_42 d3dx11_43 winetricks -q gfw msasn1 physx winetricks -q xact_x64 xact xinput
Step 3: Installing DXVK
Disclaimer: This is modifying DLLs, and Plutonium's AntiCheat might get angry at you, I however have not had any problems yetwget -P ~/Downloads tar xvf ~/Downloads/dxvk-1.7.3.tar.gz --directory ~/Downloads/ rm ~/Downloads/dxvk-1.7.3.tar.gz ~/Downloads/dxvk-1.7.3/ install
Final Step
You should create a start script for when you want to play, put this where Black Ops 2/Plutonium is downloaded. If you currently dual boot Windows and your Black Ops 2 installation is on there, you should move it to another drive that is not NTFS. Wine can sometimes be finicky on NTFS.#!/bin/bash export WINEARCH=win64 export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_plutonium export WINEESYNC=1 wine plutonium.exe
Save as
Fix mouse freaking out
If you have multiple monitors, you may experience an issue where if a mouse button is down your mouse sensitivity will skyrocket and you will be doings 360s at small movements. The fix for that is to openwinecfg
tab ->Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows
Plutonium not launching
After trying everything and you still have trouble getting Plutonium to start try the following (credited thread)Install
sudo apt install winbind
and go to theLibraries
tab. Now expand the drop down under "New override library" and findxactengine2_1
then click the "Add" button and click "OK"End
If anyone has any changes, additions, information, or need help, reply to this thread and I'll update the OP.
T6 Zombies crashes under wine 6.1 + dxvk (master)I had this issue as well, I fixed it by doing:
winetricks -q --force d3dcompiler_43 d3dx11_42 d3dx11_43 gfw msasn1 physx vcrun2008 vcrun2012 xact_x64 xact xinput
I used this as a reference: