Hello it's Pookie , today I want to share you my custom camo pack :
Here is the link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/v8ktuwfs4xgklnj/PookiePackV1.0_%2528public%2529.rar/file
Hello it's Pookie , today I want to share you my custom camo pack :
Here is the link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/v8ktuwfs4xgklnj/PookiePackV1.0_%2528public%2529.rar/file
Hello, I'm Pookie I replace ACR hud killstreak by Mini Gun hud killstreak . Don't really know how to explain this just look at the picture ,
To install , go there :
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\iw5\images and drag the iwi files in there.
A little thanks or a heart is not refused . Have fun cya :)!
[DL] https://www.mediafire.com/file/8m4ngj9ef1z405u/hud_machinegun.rar/file
i never touch the grass.
good job cayiin !