Hmm. What I did to update my server was I updated my client on my personal PC(Windows 10)via plutonium.exe.
Then I transferred my %localappdata%/Plutonium to my server via SCP after removing iw5, demonware from storage folder and deleted .json files.
On Linux I can't use the goto loop so my config looks like this....
# Shell Script for Linux Server T6 Plutonium
PAT=~/T6_Server/Server/Zombie # Your Game Path
KEY='example' # Paste the server key from
CFG=town.cfg # Name of the config file the server should use. (default: dedicated.cfg)
PORT=4980 # Port used by the server (default: 4976) -> Don't forget to allow server port in ufw fail2ban
MODE=t6zm # Game Mode ( Multiplayer / Zombie ) -> ( t6mp / t6zm )
title="PlutoniumT6 - $NAME - Server restarter"
echo -e '\033k'$title'\033\\'
echo Visit / Join the Discord for NEWS and Updates!
echo Server "$NAME" will load $CFG and listen on port $PORT UDP!
echo To shut down the server close this window first!
echo "($DATE) - ($TIME) $NAME server start."
cd ~/T6_Server/Plutonium
wine .\\bin\\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe $MODE $PAT -dedicated +set key $KEY +sv_config $CFG +net_port $PORT
echo "($DATE) - ($TIME) WARNING: $NAME server closed or dropped... server restarts."
wine .\\bin\\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe $MODE $PAT -dedicated +set key $KEY +sv_config $CFG +net_port $PORT