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[Release] QBots[QBots]
This is a ChaiScript for doing knife lunges and what else in private with bot/bots.
NOTE: Won't work with multiple people. ( at least ideally )Things possible with this script:
{- Save Position | crouch & +reload
- Load Position | crouch & +activate
- Spawn Bot ( currently only via Console ) | +actionslot 3
- Kick Bots ( Kick all bots from game ) | +actionslot 4
- Move Bot To You ( Move the bot to your current position ) | +actionslot 1
- Send Me To Heaven ( Sets your origin super high ) | +actionslot 6
Open the console to see what buttons to use ^^Download: qbots.chai
or you can just make it manually at "...\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts"
and make a ChaiScript and put this code in it:gsc.setDvar("testClients_doAttack", 0); gsc.setDvar("testClients_doCrouch", 0); gsc.setDvar("testClients_doMove", 0); gsc.setDvar("testClients_doReload", 0); gsc.setDvar("testClients_doWatchKillcam", 0); global Bots = []; global sPos = []; global sAng = []; global stance = "crouch"; level.onNotify("connected", fun(arguments) { var player = arguments[0]; if(player.getGuid().find("bot") != -1) { addBot(player); return; } else { BotSystem(player); } player.onNotify("spawned_player", fun[player](arguments) { }); player.onNotify("SavePos", fun[player](arguments) { if(correctStance(player)) { SavePosition(player); } }); player.onNotify("LoadPos", fun[player](arguments) { if(correctStance(player)) { LoadPosition(player); } }); player.onNotify("KickBots", fun[player](arguments) { kickBots(); }); player.onNotify("SpawnBot", fun[player](arguments) { spawnBot(); }); player.onNotify("MoveBotToPlayer", fun[player](arguments) { var bots = getBots(); if(bots.size() > 0) { var bot = bots[bots.size()-1]; MoveBotToPlayer(bot, player); } }); player.onNotify("SendMeToHeaven", fun[player](arguments) { SendMeToHeaven(player); }); }); def BotSystem(player) { BotSystemMessages(player); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "SavePos", "+reload" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "LoadPos", "+activate" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "KickBots", "+actionslot 4" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "SpawnBot", "+actionslot 3" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "MoveBotToPlayer", "+actionslot 1" ); player.notifyOnPlayerCommand( "SendMeToHeaven", "+actionslot 6" ); } def BotSystemMessages(player) { player.iPrintLnBold("\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^9Bot system activated!\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Save Position:^2 Crouch + [{+reload}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Load Position:^2 Crouch + [{+activate}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Kick Bots:^2 [{+actionslot 4}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Spawn Bot:^2 [{+actionslot 3}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Move Bot To You:^2 [{+actionslot 1}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("^9[QBots]^7 ^3Send Me To Heaven:^2 [{+actionslot 6}]\n"); player.iPrintLnBold("\n"); } def correctStance(player) { if(player.getStance() == stance) { return true; } return false; } def SavePosition(player) { sPos = player.getOrigin(); sAng = player.getPlayerAngles(); gsc.iPrintLnBold("Position Saved."); } def LoadPosition(player) { if(sPos.empty() || sAng.empty()) { gsc.iPrintLnBold("No Position Saved."); return; } player.setVelocity(0); player.setOrigin(sPos); player.setPlayerAngles(sAng); gsc.iPrintLnBold("Position Loaded."); } def addBot(bot) { Bots.push_back_ref(bot); } def getBots() { return Bots; } def clearBots() { Bots.clear(); } def spawnBot() { gsc.iPrintLnBold("You have to manually spawn the bot via Console: /bot"); } def kickBots() { var bots = getBots(); for(var i = 0; i < bots.size(); ++i) { gsc.kick(bots[i].getEntityNumber()); } clearBots(); } def MoveBotToPlayer(bot, player) { var pOrigin = player.getOrigin(); var pAngles = player.getPlayerAngles(); bot.setOrigin(pOrigin); bot.setPlayerAngles(pAngles); } def SendMeToHeaven(player) { var origin = player.getOrigin(); origin[2] += 2048; player.setOrigin(origin); }
[Release] Menu Background & Music (Green Nebula)Hello, I made some changes to the menu and thought some people would like to use it as well.
Song used in menu: MORTEN - Beautiful Heartbeat (Deorro Remix)Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/crviu24pq3o6d9e/iw5_quak.iwd/file
Just place the iw5_quak.iwd into "...\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\iw5"