GerardS0406 Okay, I put the files where they need to be and my game keeps crashing when I try to load a map?

[Release] [Zombies] Bonus Survival Maps 3.0 (Updated January 2022) -
[Release] [Zombies] Bonus Survival Maps 3.0 (Updated January 2022)When I try to compile the files I get an error saying bad syntax in line 0 any help?
[ZM] ivy's purple perks pack@ivy_dylan Hey do you know what the files in the pack is called for the ui? Because the ui retexture is all I want in the pack. If you do know what they are called thanks!
[ZM] ivy's purple perks packdo you plan on sharing the purple ui or no?
ZombiesDss0 okay
ZombiesI downloaded the mod where it turns some parts of transit, origins, and mob into small confined maps and it works fine but when I go to end the game it says action unavailable outcome already in progress. Anyone know a fix to this?