jdhruv what are the files of the launcher?, The truth is that the pc is clean and not and plutonium is installed because every time I open it that comes out, the only thing I installed was the bo2 and the dlcs

the launcher doesn't open -
the launcher doesn't openjdhruv No, I really don't know if what I installed is the launcher or an update, could you send me a link?
the launcher doesn't openI stopped playing for a while and I already installed everything from bo2 zombie but when I open the laucher it doesn't open, it sends me an error like "laucher plutonium stopped working" and so even if I open it as administrator I hope someone help me, thanks
the launcher doesn't openI stopped playing for a while and I already installed everything from bo2 zombie but when I open the laucher it doesn't open, it sends me an error like "laucher plutonium stopped working" and so even if I open it as administrator, I hope someone help me, thanks
HELP ME ERRORI don't get a window of any error, my problem is that I play normal zombie bo2 but when I go through round 12 or 11 of (mob of the dead) "I don't know if it happens the same on other maps I think not", when I go through the 11 or 12 round the screen freezes but the game is still playing, and the zombies kill me so I don't know why this error happens to me, don't you know how to solve it?