I know I am asking for a lot but it would be cool to see a native Plutonium Launcher on Linux. A flatpak version would be great so there is minimum work and it works on all distros and the Steam Deck. Game itsself could run over Proton.
Plutonium on Linux Desktop -
DLC maps not working on serverhow can you use the server console? You can't type anything into the console where the "Heartbeat successful." is written every few seconds. I use Putty for ssh
PlutoT6 Server & IW4Admin on Ubuntu 20.04Minami Do you maybe know how to get the DLC maps working? I added them to the maprotation and added all the missing map files to the zone folder, yet the server skips the DLC maps when they are next in the maprotation.
PlutoT6 Server & IW4Admin on Ubuntu 20.04Minami EDIT: Server now working. I fixed it by replacing the Plutonium folder of the .rar file with the one from my local pc. Guess yours is outdated or something.
PlutoT6 Server & IW4Admin on Ubuntu 20.04Hey man thanks for the nice guide, very easy to follow. I have one problem. My server is running and I even get the heartbeat; the problem is that I can't join ingame. The game just stays in a loading loop, it is connecting to the server because when you try to connect using an invalid ip the game just doesn't do anything. It is also missing from the server list. I think there might be something wrong with the game files, wine or my configuration, do you know what this could be? I converted the script so the game should run a normal multiplayer (t6mp) instead of zombies. Maybe I did something wrong? Do you have a working config for t6mp?
#Shell script for Plutonium T6 Multiplayer/Zombie Server on Ubuntu/Debian PAT=~/T6-Server/Server/Multiplayer #Game path KEY='SECRET' #Server key https://platform.plutonium.pw/serverkeys CFG=dedicated.cfg #Configuration file the server should use (default: dedicated.cfg) PORT=4976 #Server port (default: 4976) MODE=t6mp #Game mode ( Multiplayer / Zombie ) - ( t6mp / t6zm ) wine .\\bin\\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe $MODE $PAT -dedicated +start_map_rotate +set key $KEY +set net_port $PORT +set sv_config $CFG
Plutonium BO2 & WaW - Linux TutorialERR9R yeah I have that exact same issue, can't select the plutonium folder.