- In-game timer script which can display a variety of timer information on the HUD (My attempt at an alternative to a third-party speedrun timer overlay like LiveSplit)
- Works for ALL stock World at War maps on Plutonium
- Complies with current ZWR world record rules: (I can't post links yet)
- Features:
- Total game time (measured from start of round 1)
- Per-round time (measured from start of round n to start of round n+1)
- History of most recent round times
- User-defined round milestone/split times (measured from start of round 1 to start of round n)
- All times are automatically started and split on round transitions
- Following parameters can be changed by the user with the variables at the top of the script:
- Enable/disable back-speed fix
- Enable/disable timer variations individually
- Individual control over color and transparency of all elements
- Position of timer group (ex: can be moved to accommodate web-cams or other overlays on screen)
- Number of round history times to show (shows past 4 rounds by default)
- Exact rounds to track split milestones (10, 30, 50, 70, 100 by default)
How to use
- Please read through the disclaimers at bottom of this page!
- Copy the full script below and save it to a new file with the ".gsc" extension. The name can be anything you want (Example: "patch.gsc")
- Move the file to any of the following folders (create them if they don't exist):
- Nach Der Untoten: "C:\users\YOU\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t4\raw\scripts\sp\nazi_zombie_prototype"
- Verruct: "C:\users\YOU\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t4\raw\scripts\sp\nazi_zombie_asylum"
- Shi No Numa: "C:\users\YOU\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t4\raw\scripts\sp\nazi_zombie_sumpf"
- Der Riese: "C:\users\YOU\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t4\raw\scripts\sp\nazi_zombie_factory"
- Make any customizations at the top of the script if desired. These are done on a per-map basis.
- Play the map normally through Plutonium (game compiles and loads the script for you)
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
// ============================================================================================================
// _ __ _ __ _____ ____ __ __________
// | | / /___ | | / / / ___// __ \/ / / _/_ __/
// | | /| / / __ `/ | /| / / ______ \__ \/ /_/ / / / / / / WaW-Split (Version 1)
// | |/ |/ / /_/ /| |/ |/ / /_____/ ___/ / ____/ /____/ / / / By: Service_Code_30
// |__/|__/\__,_/ |__/|__/ /____/_/ /_____/___/ /_/
// Customizable speedrun split timer for World at War (Plutonium) w/ optional backspeed fix
// Complies with ZWR world record rules: https://zwr.gg/rules/#section-21
// ============================================== TIMER SETTINGS ============================================
// - The backspeed fix will carry over between games. If you want to revert the backspeed fix,
// run a map once with "level.FIX_BACKSPEED = false" to restore default values, or use commands
// - Adjusting spacing drastically might cause overlapping elements
// - Adding too many HUD elements can cause them to dissapear or glitch out,
// Keep HISTORY_MAX_COUNT and MILESTONES at reasonable levels (<12 between both)
// Adjust timer position with the X and Y coordinates
// Color values are (RED, GREEN, YELLOW) each with a value between 0.0 and 1.0
// Alpha values are between 0.0 and 1.0
level.FIX_BACKSPEED = true; // Disable this to revert the backspeed fix
level.HUD_X_COORD = -100; // Move the timer HUD on X axis (left=negative, right=positive)
level.HUD_Y_COORD = 0; // Move the timer HUD on Y axis (up=negative, down=positive)
level.HUD_COL_SPACING = 70; // Space between the label/value columns
level.HUD_ROW_SPACING = 10; // Space between the data rows
level.GAME_TIME_COLOR = (1, 0, 0);
level.GAME_TIME_ALPHA = 1;
level.ROUND_TIME_HIDDEN = false; // Hide the current round timer and round history
level.ROUND_TIME_LABEL_COLOR = (1, 1, 1);
level.ROUND_TIME_VALUE_COLOR = (1, 1, 1);
level.HISTORY_HIDE_EMPTY = false; // Keep history rows hidden until they are populated
level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT = 4; // Max history to show for previous rounds (0 to hide)
level.HISTORY_LABEL_COLOR = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6); // WARNING: Don't set HISTORY_MAX_COUNT too high!
level.HISTORY_VALUE_COLOR = (0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
level.HISTORY_ALPHA = 0.9;
level.HISTORY_LABEL_TEXT = "Round";
level.MILESTONES_HIDDEN = false; // Hide the Round milestones section
level.MILESTONES = []; // Cumulative time will show on HUD upon reaching certain rounds
level.MILESTONES[0] = 10; // Usefull for world record attempts (30, 50, 70, 100)
level.MILESTONES[1] = 30; // WARNING: Don't add too many! keep [index] increasing by 1
level.MILESTONES[2] = 50;
level.MILESTONES[3] = 70;
level.MILESTONES[4] = 100;
level.MILESTONES_LABEL_COLOR = (0.4, 0.7, 0.4);
level.MILESTONES_VALUE_COLOR = (0.4, 0.7, 0.4);
// ===========================================================================================================
thread on_connect();
hud = create_simple_hud( self );
hud.foreground = true;
hud.sort = 1;
hud.hidewheninmenu = true;
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.alignY = "top";
hud.x = level.HUD_X_COORD;
hud.y = level.HUD_Y_COORD;
hud.alpha = level.GAME_TIME_ALPHA;
hud.color = level.GAME_TIME_COLOR;
hud.fontscale = 2;
hud SetText("--:--");
level waittill("round_transition");
hud setTimerUp(0);
label = create_simple_hud( self );
label.foreground = true;
label.sort = 1;
label.hidewheninmenu = true;
label.alignX = "left";
label.alignY = "top";
label.x = level.HUD_X_COORD;
label.y = level.HUD_Y_COORD + (level.HUD_ROW_SPACING * 2);
label.alpha = level.ROUND_TIME_ALPHA;
label.color = level.ROUND_TIME_LABEL_COLOR;
label.fontscale = 1;
label SetText("Round starting...");
time = create_simple_hud( self );
time.foreground = true;
time.sort = 1;
time.hidewheninmenu = true;
time.alignX = "left";
time.alignY = "top";
time.x = level.HUD_X_COORD + level.HUD_COL_SPACING;
time.y = level.HUD_Y_COORD + (level.HUD_ROW_SPACING * 2);
time.alpha = level.ROUND_TIME_ALPHA;
time.color = level.ROUND_TIME_VALUE_COLOR;
time.fontscale = 1;
roundHistory = spawnStruct();
level waittill("round_transition");
for (;;)
currentRound = level.round_number;
time setTimerUp(0);
roundStart = GetTime() / 1000;
label SetText(level.HISTORY_LABEL_TEXT + " " + currentRound + level.HISTORY_LABEL_DELIMITER);
level waittill("round_transition");
if (level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT == 0) continue;
roundEnd = GetTime() / 1000;
roundDuration = format_seconds(roundEnd - roundStart);
enqueue_round_history(roundHistory, currentRound, roundDuration);
level waittill("round_transition");
gameStart = GetTime() / 1000;
milestonesHit = 0;
yCoord = level.HUD_Y_COORD + (level.HUD_ROW_SPACING * 2);
} else {
yCoord = level.HUD_Y_COORD + (level.HUD_ROW_SPACING * (level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT + 4));
for (;;)
level waittill("round_transition");
currentRound = level.round_number;
isMilestone = false;
for (i = 0; i < level.MILESTONES.size; i++)
if (level.MILESTONES[i] == currentRound)
isMilestone = true;
if (!isMilestone) continue;
elapsed = format_seconds((GetTime() / 1000) - gameStart);
label = create_simple_hud( self );
label.foreground = true;
label.sort = 1;
label.hidewheninmenu = true;
label.alignX = "left";
label.alignY = "top";
label.x = level.HUD_X_COORD;
label.y = yCoord;
label.alpha = level.MILESTONES_ALPHA;
label.color = level.MILESTONES_LABEL_COLOR;
label.fontscale = 1;
label SetText(level.MILESTONES_LABEL_TEXT + " 1-" + currentRound + level.MILESTONES_LABEL_DELIMITER);
time = create_simple_hud( self );
time.foreground = true;
time.sort = 1;
time.hidewheninmenu = true;
time.alignX = "left";
time.alignY = "top";
time.x = level.HUD_X_COORD + level.HUD_COL_SPACING;
time.y = yCoord;
time.alpha = level.MILESTONES_ALPHA;
time.color = level.MILESTONES_VALUE_COLOR;
time.fontscale = 1;
time SetText(elapsed);
if (milestonesHit >= level.MILESTONES.size) return;
yCoord = yCoord + level.HUD_ROW_SPACING;
// Crude circular queue implementation to store limited round history
roundHistory.queue = [];
// Index starts at last position and becomes 0 on round 1
roundHistory.indexOfNewest = level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT - 1;
if (roundHistory.queue < level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT)
yCoord = level.HUD_Y_COORD + (level.HUD_ROW_SPACING * 3);
for (i = 0; i < level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT; i++)
label = create_simple_hud( self );
label.foreground = true;
label.sort = 1;
label.hidewheninmenu = true;
label.alignX = "left";
label.alignY = "top";
label.x = level.HUD_X_COORD;
label.y = yCoord;
label.alpha = level.HISTORY_ALPHA;
label.color = level.HISTORY_LABEL_COLOR;
label.fontscale = 1;
value = create_simple_hud( self );
value.foreground = true;
value.sort = 1;
value.hidewheninmenu = true;
value.alignX = "left";
value.alignY = "top";
value.x = level.HUD_X_COORD + level.HUD_COL_SPACING;
value.y = yCoord;
value.alpha = level.HISTORY_ALPHA;
value.color = level.HISTORY_VALUE_COLOR;
value.fontscale = 1;
label SetText("...");
value SetText("--:--");
roundData = spawnStruct();
roundData.hudLabel = label;
roundData.hudValue = value;
roundHistory.queue[i] = roundData;
yCoord = yCoord + level.HUD_ROW_SPACING;
enqueue_round_history(roundHistory, currentRound, roundDuration)
if (roundHistory.indexOfNewest == level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT - 1)
roundHistory.indexOfNewest = 0;
} else {
roundHistory.queue[roundHistory.indexOfNewest].hudLabel SetText(level.HISTORY_LABEL_TEXT + " " + currentRound + level.HISTORY_LABEL_DELIMITER);
roundHistory.queue[roundHistory.indexOfNewest].hudValue SetText(roundDuration);
if (roundHistory.queue.size <= 1) return;
yCoord = level.HUD_Y_COORD + (level.HUD_ROW_SPACING * 3);
updatedCount = 0;
updateIndex = roundHistory.indexOfNewest;
// Reposition hud elements into correct order
while(updatedCount < level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT) {
roundHistory.queue[updateIndex].hudLabel.y = yCoord;
roundHistory.queue[updateIndex].hudValue.y = yCoord;
yCoord = yCoord + level.HUD_ROW_SPACING;
if (updateIndex == 0)
updateIndex = level.HISTORY_MAX_COUNT - 1;
} else {
secs = int(secs);
hrs = int(secs / 3600);
mins = int((secs % 3600) / 60);
secs = secs % 60;
// Add leading zeros for formatting if necessary
if (secs < 10) {
secs = "0" + secs;
if (mins < 10 && hrs != 0) {
mins = "0" + mins;
if (hrs > 0) {
return hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;
} else {
return mins + ":" + secs;
hud = create_simple_hud( self );
hud.foreground = true;
hud.sort = 1;
hud.hidewheninmenu = true;
hud.alignX = "center";
hud.alignY = "bottom";
hud.horzAlign = "center";
hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
hud.x = 0;
hud.y = 0;
hud.alpha = 0.5;
hud.fontscale = 1;
backspeedStatus = "";
if (getdvarfloat("player_backSpeedScale") != 0.7 || getdvarfloat("player_strafeSpeedScale") != 0.8)
backspeedStatus = "+ backspeed ";
hud SetText("Custom timer " + backspeedStatus + "patch in use (WaW-Split v1)");
hud destroy();
// Not the best way to do this but it works for all maps and is accurate enough
for (;;) {
roundStart = level.round_start_time;
while(roundStart == level.round_start_time)
level notify("round_transition");
level waittill("connecting", player);
player thread on_player_spawned();
level waittill("connected", player);
// Custom timer functions
self thread round_monitor();
self thread game_timer();
if (!level.ROUND_TIME_HIDDEN) self thread round_timer();
if (!level.MILESTONES_HIDDEN) self thread milestone_timers();
// Backspeed fix - (enforce the default values)
self SetClientDvars("player_backSpeedScale", "0.7", "player_strafeSpeedScale", "0.8");
self SetClientDvars("player_backSpeedScale", "1", "player_strafeSpeedScale", "1");
self thread patch_notifier();
- It is my intent for this to be compatable for world-record attempts for zwr. Based on the rules, it should be, but I have not confirmed this script specifically with the staff yet. Please read the rules for yourself and use your own discretion.
- If you don't want to use the back-speed fix, it can be disabled at the top of the script. The backspeed client dvar will hold its state until changed again. If you want to stop using the script AND revert the backspeed fix, run the map once with "level.FIX_BACKSPEED = false" to restore the default values, then the script can be deleted. Or, use the console commands to revert the client dvars at any time.
- Default position is top left on 16:9 resolutions. Wierd aspect ratios may need to adjust the coordinates. Try (0, 0) if you cant see the timer at all.
- Adding too many HUD elements can cause them to dissapear or glitch out. If you want to increase them beyond their default, do a test game to verify.
- I have tested this script solo on all stock WaW maps. I have not confirmed if this works co-op, or if it works for custom maps, but I believe it should.
- I have no reason to believe this would cause performance issues or crashes, but I have not tested it past round 30 myself. Use at your own risk for world-record attempts.
- Please report any problems and feel free to provide suggestions for improvements
Future Work
- Refactor code to use fewer HUD elements so there would be no limit to the splits or round history that could be displayed
- Automatically save user scores to a local file and show PB times?
- Show PB and WR on splits, pull WR data from some sort of web API?