Sigh, dude im asking what exactly did i do. If i violated the TOS what was it that i did. Im trying to understand what was it that triggered the ban. Im very confident that i have no modifications, and i havent played in online servers or anything. It was literally my first game after many months and the next day i get banned and i dont know why.

Account was banned idk why -
Account was banned idk whyMrDeathFox i can understand the second one but ive never downloaded cheats for this not even a mod menu. Actually now that i think of it does fast_restart count as a cheat to be banned for in a private game or is that something i can just ignore.
Account was banned idk whyHi, i just opened the game a day or two ago and played one game of zombies with a friend.
The next day when i tried to do the same i couldnt log in and the plutonium launcher says i am banned for a few days. I tried logging in with another account and after the login the same thing happened and the other account was banned aswell.