FragsAreUs Why remove it? Doing easter eggs in zombies is nearly impossible without local VC, I understand that discord exists, but its sort of like having a phone and removing voice calls because skype and texting exists, its not wrong but its irrelevant lol
Bo2 Voice chat? -
Bo2 Voice chat?FragsAreUs Considering most servers don't have a discord that is readily available and most people aren't going to take the time/care to share their discord users with randoms in COD, yeah it is a little hard. I'm guessing the most likely issue is the need for a separate channel for voice chat to actually be used such as Multiplayer server data and voice data are not joined together and probably require different ports for different traffic types. I think the point OP is making is half the fun is the nostalgia of the game and implementing something as simple as VC would go a long way.