Mr_CatMemer.PVP I could but I really prefer to do stuff that kinda looks cool on the gun, I know a guy though that probably does meme stuff instead.

Sir Fofferman
[ZM] Hotrod Camo Pack -
[ZM] Hotrod Camo Pack
Back at it again! This time I wanted to apply a fun pattern onto a gun rather than just simple patterns or colours, this time coming from Gears Judgment... The HOTROD! This Flame skins will smoke any zombies in your way! Keep in mind my current + future camo packs are gonna be intended to use for Multiple Skins however some may not be compatible with others in which I will add a mod in future to fix that or change current mods to fix it too!----> Download <----
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[ZM] CaseOh - Quick Revivethisfoostudious yeah, though I don't watch others streamers anyway, nor know much.
[ZM] CaseOh - Quick Revivethisfoostudious I could honestly, though it might look weird on all machines since quick revive had the best "fit" for him but if you really want it still then sure, but I'll upload the link here.
BO1 Changing ModelsFaZe Flick yeah but I'm asking how I can achieve that, what tools I use to save the files as, etc.
BO1 Changing ModelsI was wondering if there was a way to change models in BO1 like perk machines from Zombies. I know it is impossible rn in BO2 but I was wondering if it was possible in BO1 since I seen some mods that have it unless if it's only through game_mod, either way if anyone knows somethin' lemme know!
[ZM] Nickel M1911scinkx fixed
[ZM] Nickel M1911Fine I'll just upload it to mediafire
[ZM] Metallic Graffiti CamoGhostRider0125 Thank you Thank You!
[ZM] BO1-Styled Perk Icons
I felt like slowing down with camos so I made this, It is based on Multiplayer Perks in BO1. I know I saw something similar before that another person made but it didn't feature the original logos for this style so I wanted to do that! Just incase you don't like the color-scheme, I put up an Alternative for you to choose!----> Download<----
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[ZM] Hazardous Camo PackMr_CatMemer.PVP thanks!
[ZM] Hazardous Camo Pack
That's Right! I sort of lied... I originally planned for it to be released between the weekend but I had so much fun making the camo that I didn't realise I was done with it early! I sadly had to cut back some weapons because they either wouldn't work out or I just didn't think they'd be necessary to do, other than that here is a WHOLE Camo pack!
I made sure to organize the files more for easier navigation----> Download <----
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[ZM] WIP-Camos Update
I am currently working on more camos, however I am gonna make it look similar to the BO1 camo styles since it's a bit easier for me to manage, I will soon update the shark one to be that way too. I am planning to have at least 3-8 camos by the end of summer, if not more!Look forward to Friday<->Sunday for this Camo Pack to release!
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[ZM] Shark Camo PackGhostRider0125 I'll leave that to someone else
[ZM] Shark Camo Pack
Inspired from Gears of War Judgment... The Shark Camo!!! Finally managed to release the Camo pack and more to come! It took me a while since I was figuring out more about the Gun Textures as well as having a hard time working around the UV Wraps for the Textures so... This is the best I could come up with... I hope you like it!----> Download <----
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[ZM] Nickel M1911Brigeezy123 fixed
[ZM] Fofferman Camo Pack
I apologise for my upload delay, I was gone on a trip and working on this for a while but now I am back! You know how people usually release a demo of something before working on a full? Well this Camo Pack is basically a quick version of that idea. I wanted to make something and I did!----> Download <---- Place iwi's into AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t5\images
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[ZM] LeBonbon Perk Iconsolive4lunch if there is no install guide, check out another mod of mine that has it.
[ZM] Metallic Graffiti Camo
After I made that Nickel M1911 mod, I wanted to play around my current PAP Camo to see if I can put more shine onto it, and I was messing around to make sure only the painted parts of the Camo could have a Shine effect, and it looks pretty cool! I found it so cool that I decided to release it publicly for people to use. Enjoy!----> Download <----
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[ZM] Nickel M1911
I was experimenting camos and I wanted to see if I could remake the nickel pistol from BO1, and boom! There you go! It's a simple mod really.... besides, I am not sure if it was made before so if it was let me know and I can take this down.... anyway, Enjoy!----> Download <----
Place IWI files into Appdata/Local/Plutonium/Storage/T6/ImagesBrought to you by: