Sithey said in Server on Linux Debian:
i would like to create my own server on my linux vps
i tried to setup my server with this tutorial but unfortunatly this tutorial is outdated
my actual configuration:
#!/bin/bash ## Variable Region _script="$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" # Delete last component from $_script _mydir="$(dirname $_script)" # Name of the server shown in the title of the terminal window NAME="SERVER_NAME" # Your Game Path (where there is binkw32.dll) PAT="Multiplayer/" # Paste the server key from KEY="xxx" # Name of the config file the server should use. (default: dedicated.cfg) CFG=dedicated.cfg # Port used by the server (default: 4976) -> Don't forget to allow server port in ufw fail2ban PORT=4976 # Game Mode ( Multiplayer / Zombie ) -> ( t6mp / t6zm ) MODE=t6mp ## End Region ## Update Region # Plutonium game dir INSTALLDIR="plutonium/" # Update your server game file ./plutonium-updater -d "$INSTALLDIR" ## End Region ## Server Start Region echo -e '\033]2;'Plutonium - $NAME - Server restart'\007' echo "Visit | Join the Discord (plutonium) for NEWS and Updates!" echo "Server "$NAME" will load $CFG and listen on port $PORT UDP!" echo "To shut down the server close this window first!" printf -v NOW '%(%F_%H:%M:%S)T' -1 echo ""$NOW" $NAME server started." while true do wine .\\bin\\plutonium-bootstrapper-win32.exe $MODE $PAT -dedicated +start_map_rotate +set key $KEY +set net_port $PORT +set sv_config $CFG 2> /dev/null printf -v NOW '%(%F_%H:%M:%S)T' -1 echo ""$NOW" WARNING: $NAME server closed or dropped... server restarting." sleep 1 done ## End Region
and i got this error:
could some one send me a tutorial to give me a possibility to create my own server, i am using debian 10
Follow the tutorial of Minami :