Ginto probably a injector or something and if you don't have a injector you probably could have a virus or something

Got Banned after lunching the BO2 -
[zm] nsfw camosnsfwcamos where put font?
[Release] Ultimis Gloves - Static Dark Matter [ZM]looks cool might use it
[zm] nsfw camosMr.MaPSaBino my mom walked in
she just looked at me in disappointment and closed my door
How to make animated camos for Plutonium T5Bone Crusher i couldn't get this to work at all i spent like 2 and half hours trying i really don't know
How to make animated camos for Plutonium T5Bone Crusher holy shot thanks man
How to make animated camos for Plutonium T5how did you change the round text?
BO1 Simple Perk Bottlesthis reminds me of the time i saw this
[MP] [Release] Server-Side Unlock All(including PRO Perks)DankCodClipsYT the unlockall command got release a few hours ago lol
Pap {Flames Camo} BO1Jupyter i hope you die in a fire (fnaf sung)
Spiralt's Epic Perk/Power Up Icons 512x512here is a image of them
i spent like 2 hours making these did most of them on a twitch stream so yeah lol
also some of these images i made with just the paint tools lolDownload Link:
Stock Image Perk/Powerup IconsPistakilla oop sorry lol ill make sure next time i wont do it
Modding tutorials bo1 (English & EspaΓ±ol)i love you thank you
Server error?Dss0 yeah i figure it out i put it in the right spot sorry forgot to tell
Stock Image Perk/Powerup IconsSTAFF EDIT: Original concept by atuburapaler
here is my stock image perk/powerup icon pack
put them in / / / / /
if you don't have images just create a new folder named images if you don't
Download Link: -
Gun texture gotta look through all of them or extract them all at once then look at them thats the specular map for galil
Misty voice over (english) ZM by BoneCrusherjdhruv bo2 woman i think
Server error?this is what is it looks like
also tried changing names ports all that -
How do i make custom sounds?i wanna make a custom sound for the mystery box
All BO2 Original Files (Organized) (Images+Sounds+.OBJ) + Death Machine Skincan anyone else upload the files somewhere else cause the mega thing is kinda aint working