finally its out thanks
Tranzit Reimagined 2025 | Stable Version 2025_01_2 | Warmer Days Update -
[DELETED] [Outdated] OAT T6 Modding/Porting Tutorial: The Qooyak Guide!Great work
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapssehteria great to hear cant wait
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapsyo that is insane could you try the origns staffs or other wonder weapons
[Release] [ZM] [Mod] zm_weapons - Adding all weapons to mapscant wait looks awesone
Y'all I wonder what does DLC does for Black Ops 2 zombies?Mr_Noble54321 they give you maps to play
[MP & ZM] Return to AlphaWow this is looking prety Great cant wait for it
New games?bo3 is still supported by activision if they add it they will get sued and plutonium will be shut down
cant run certain mods without the game crashingResxt ahh okay now i understand thank you
cant run certain mods without the game crashingResxt so the devs are not doing the mod support because its to much work. if yes thats pretty sad but their choice. what are they curently working on does anyone know that yet?
Zombies herunterladender Zombie Modus ist bereits im Download drin wenn du das Base Game hast must du ihn nur einrichten
[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 1 Chaos mod@dontknowletsplay thats soo cool thank you
[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 1 Chaos modthats soo sick nice work man
edit: it was fun until i got the cz75 dual wield crashed my game so ill have to wait till that is fixed by plutonium but still great mod -
bo1 custom map making?Hello i wanted to ask if it is currently possible to make custom maps or will it work when the mod support is fully out
Thanks for reading
where are modsbut didnt perish need game_mod?
and you get banned when u iject it -
where are modsResxt ahh ok thats good to now
where are modsResxt wait so mods are now supported ?
wird demnächst ein neues spiel zu PLutonium hinzugefügt? Wie z.B. Modern Warfare 2(das alte) oder Black Ops 3?nein da die plutonium macher sonst von treyarch verklagt werden
CoD BO1Sugaman44 i want to know that too
[Release] [ZM] Custom Globes [Made by AgentHyped]Those are sick nice work