both I think lol , multiplayer is good if you want to have fun killing and doing some killstreak for the fun but the zombie is perfect for playing with some friends and rush to the maximum round you can survive
Do you prefer Zombies or Multiplayer? -
Private Zombie Partythank you
Private Zombie PartyHello , can i play with my friends in private party ? I try to add them to my friend list and they add me too , they try to join me when i'm in a game of zombie but they can't , it say that there's an error , please help me
Reticul BO2Hi someone know how to get all the reticul and if it's possible ?
BO2 in split screenoh okay , thank u for responding
BO2 in split screenHi , I want to play with my gf in split screen but i can't , how can we ?
Rank bo2 -
Rank bo2Hi , how can i put the master prestige in the new update ?