Is it possible to have Damage Numbers like Cold War Zombies?
If it is what functions should I be looking at?
Is it possible to have Damage Numbers like Cold War Zombies?
If it is what functions should I be looking at?
I have looked there in the main gsc dump but the syntax wrong and messed up.
setDvar( "scr_screecher_ignore_player", 1 );
Is it possible to make hitmarkers in zombies using gsc?
Thank you so much.
Do you know what files / dvars to look at?
Can I enable unlimited sprint? with or without staminup
Can I disable fog or fire damage on tranzit?
I saw a sv_cheats 1 in the console but I cant figure out how to get it to work.
In bo3 I use an exec cfg with the following commands.
How would I do this in plutonium?
//Made by Avxry
//Changed alot by TheWaWPRo
bind ENTER cg_gun_x 10
bind BACKSPACE cg_gun_x 5
bind = cg_gun_x 3
bind - cg_gun_x 0
bind [ timescale 1
bind ] timescale 2
bind p toggle timescale 1 10 .1
bind ALT noclip
bind F1 give ammo
bind F2 give pistol_standard
bind F3 give minigun
bind F4 god
bind F5 player_sprintUnlimited 1
bind F6 player_sprintUnlimited 0
bind F7 player_sustainAmmo 1
bind F8 player_sustainAmmo 0
bind F9 player_ClipSizeMultiplier 1
bind F10 player_ClipSizeMultiplier 2
bind F11 toggle r_fog 0
bind F12 toggle cg_thirdPerson 1 0