i play every day but today i delete the torrent that i used to download the game and then i was not allowed to launch the game
i cant start the launcher -
I cant download the google drive to install bo2when i click the google drive link, it takes me to another page called WebTorrent but it is a all white, i dont know how to solve it.
this is the page: https://doc-08-50-docs.googleusercontent.com/docs/securesc/u26oqdmbcavpl73cp3engb3ejd2cqqba/b985ld0jt37a3qtg0andnkhgjbeaaje8/1611063075000/07681145083191042400/17304126961499078684/1loejoTfKYZhYJOaorI8XaWgtPB7zocdi?e=download&authuser=0