Resxt And what am I doing according to you to tell me that how old are you?

t6 support -
t6 supportChosenUndead Where if they don't respond anyway
t6 supportHow do I contact t6 support, they are blocking my server keys, what is wrong with my names?
Installing IW4MAdmin to your dedicated server. [Pterodactyl] helpkirito1642000 That's easy friend, I use that panel
I want someone to create for me a trickshot server for bo2 with a custom mod menu@knr-9x leave me your discord
BO2 Server Identity Stolen and Constant DDOSWell, normally that name was from a friend who had a server with me, I am the owner of the vzla server and if I had ddos problems, the only way to solve that is to look for a provider with good ddos protection and I know who the crazy person is who copied your names.
I want someone to create for me a trickshot server for bo2 with a custom mod menuExplain, friend, why the cheat menu is in zm or mp
Is it worth getting MW3?Hello brother, sorry how to configure your map voting system for when there are, let's say, 8 players online and the map voting system is activated and only allow users to vote by selecting the right and left mouse button
and that it only shows a maximum of 5 or 6 selection maps, thanks
I wait for your answer
Dashboard Pterodactyl HelpEverything is correct both in the dedicate zm.cgf and the IW4MAdminSettings.json, which I don't understand, that's why it happens when using the pterodactyl panel, if I do it manually, it works perfectly
but I would like to use the panel and learn how to connect it if you like I can share my screen even though I don't speak English but I can give you access to the panel that I have wrong
So that the use of the server and the iw4admin work well with the panel
Dashboard Pterodactyl HelpHello, I am using the Pterodactyl panel, I have a problem connecting the iw4admin with the server, both the ip and the Rcon_Password are correct.
VENEZUELA EN BRASIL TDM PIOR SERVER Q EXISTEPrimero que nada los server de VENEZUELA EN BRASIL fue rentado por jugadores brasileros y algunos se quejan pero el que publico este tema si usba hack por fue grabado se vino a quejar
Panel Pterodactyl AyudaHola estoy usando el panel Pterodactyl tengo un problam al conectar el iw4admin con el server tanto la ip y la Rcon_Password son correcta alguien que aloje servidores dedicados vis linux usando este panel estaria agradecido Gracias !!!
Cod Bo2 se cierra tras un tiempo de juego , solo me pasa en el mapa de origins ( no he he probado en otros ya que solo juego ese)Ami me corre perfecto debe ser algo en tu configuracion donde estas alojado el server local o desde una maquina virtual
Pterodactyl - help to connect the iw4madmin to synchronize it with the serverI do not understand your question
[Release] Plutonium (Server) Manager + EggYes, but if you don't fix the method to be able to connect the server with iw4admin, we don't do anything to manage
Pterodactyl - help to connect the iw4madmin to synchronize it with the servergood I don't know how successful you have been in connecting the iw4admin using the pterodactyl panel but I need help thanks
the strangest thing is that everything is fine, the ip the Rcon_Password
Plutonium BO2 & WaW - Linux TutorialThoxy How wonderful is it because it runs the servers in linux and that is a chaos of cpu consumption almost 90% only running a server
(Ubuntu/Linux) Cannot launch my servermy recommendation is to use windows server 2019 0 2022 because linux is not 100% compatible with plutonium
[Guide] [Debian] T6 Server on Linux VPS/Dedicated ServerSithey why don't you use window friend the bad thing about linux that this is not yet 100% compatible for linux there will be problems in my case I had it with cpu I used 100% of the cpu when using wine
alguien sabe como puedo crear un servidor dedicado para el call of duty waw ???eso es super facil ve en el foro de plutonium debes tener un vps con sistema winsows 2019 al menos de 4 gb de ram 2 nucelos 30 de disco duro