Ok, thank you for the attention. I asked 'cause i remember that was possible to do that using a mod menu, but i recently read that injectin things in the game process is not tolerated by pluto

Perma Perks Gsc script -
Perma Perks Gsc scriptHi,
Does anyone know how to obtain a script that unlock all permaperks to a player?
I'm trying to unlock permaperks without replacing files in the game's folder. -
Edit files in "player" folderCahz This is the first thing we thought to do, but the problem is that the ee is a bit frustrating to complete so i was looking for an alternative solution befor try to do it again
Edit files in "player" folderLast week me and some friends completed the buried Easter egg "Mined Games" on the Richtofen side. Unfortunatly we discovered only after completing it that dedicated servers won't save our Easter egg progress. Anyway all advances in Easter egg, level, Perma-perks etc, are saved in 2 files in the "Player" folder (zmdatabk0000 and zmstatsCompressed). Does someone know if there's a way to edit those files to set the easter egg as complete?
I already seen this topic (https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/56/release-shotgun-rank-max-bank-all-perma-perks?_=1587918206309) but it`s not what i need because the 2 files of the topic gonna unlock everything and complete all Easteregg immediatly (on the maxis side furthermore, the wrong one).
[Release] Shotgun Rank/Max Bank/All Perma-Perkserupt Do you know if there's a way to edit/decript these files? Or you just found them with all ranks/perks unlocked?
Zombie Easter EggsHi everyone, first of all I apologize if i'm writing in the wrong section.
Does anyone knows if there's a way (like mods or something) to complete zombie's easter egg in solo? (Or without being 4 players in general). -
"CG_Spawn: no free fake entities" error massage in server zombieOk, thanks for the fast support anyway. You are the best guys
"CG_Spawn: no free fake entities" error massage in server zombieHi everyone, every time my dedicated server zombie (vanilla) tries to restart the map, all the players get kicked and the prompt in the main menu show the message in the title. Does anyone knows how to fix this?
I read somewhere this is a known problem of treyarch games and it's caused by the presence of too much entities in the game (like too much zombies` corpses). Actually this problem should appear only in high round and not at the restart of the map.