after some time passes in a private match by myself with bots, I get the error window that says exceeded number of parent script variables, and I have to push enter to make it go away, because trying to click on it won't work, and then I have to restart plutonium.

crash with error -
lost thermal visionlost specialty_thermal after using several predator missiles and an ac-130.
Error when using scriptsafter some time in a private match i get the error "exceeded maximum number of parent script variables." the scripts i am using i got from the forum i don't remember which thread, they are, disable_damages, disable_nuke_effects_slowmo, disable_nuke_effects_vision, give_perks_on_spawn, and remove_heavy_weapons_slow. for the give perks script i added all perks and proficiencies, except assassin and blindeye, i even added the hdden perks that let you spawn in with a care package and get an ah-6 in two kills.
[MAP] Nuke Arena from COD:OLArtyx i tried this map with bots and for some reason everyone is invincible.