wow and what audio is related to a zombie map?

textures problem -
textures problemi dont even have audio in my pc does that effect the game?
textures problemwhen i load into origins map i see everything white i just see the crosshair and the round number and the number of ammo and the number of grenade , i tried to repair the game and still the same , any solutuion ? thank you .
Can't launch black ops 2 -
Can't launch black ops 2hello , when i click on play its says error message then close the whole launcher and missing dlls , ant solutions ? , thanks
PLUTONIUM LAUCNHER DOSENT LAUNCHhello , when i launch the plutonium launcher its says that there is dll files that are needed thier name is : MSVCP140.DLL and CVRUNTIME140.DLL , i tried to install the dll files and putting them in the plutonium folder but its still the same it dosent launch , if anyone could help to resolve this problem i will really apricate it , thank you.