does this work in servers?
[GSC] [ZM] NightMode -
Black Ops 2 Zombies ReimaginedSo I can't load into any maps as I get an error that goes like 'Unknown playerAnimType "rearclipsniper_fastads" in "dsr50_zm"' please help. I really want to try out this mod
Animated Camos V2.0 [ZM]Bone Crusher how do i convert it to iwi
Animated Camos V2.0 [ZM]is it possible to have the base misty skin instead of the one in there?
[ZM] Sarah Black Gloves Reworkedhow did you get the gloves on those maps?
Black Ops 2 Zombies ReimaginedJbleezy is there a way for me to disable the health bar? I feel like I should be able to toggle it
[ZM] Project 115 Mod by Shippuden1592I couldn't even load into the map as i keep getting told there was an fx issue
Plutonium Update Trojan Virus.In the update error my anti-virus is telling me that plutonium is holding a Trojan virus. what do I do?