Discord ban appeal
can i get another staff's opinion?
Mee said in Discord ban appeal:
can i get another staff's opinion?
It's not like going to the doctors.... I don't think you can get a second opinion
@MAD_DAD theres like 20 staff though and they all know me by now. idk what Resxt has against me
you were banned for being a creep to staff members in their dm's. then got banned again when you bypassed the ban on a new discord account.
FragsAreUs is she really still mad about that its literally been years. and no we were just having a conversation
i dont even remember her name. ping her i wanna see their point of view
Mee it doesn’t matter, there’s no going back from what you did
Mee I don't even know who you are.
I just know your name remembers me of an unstable creep annoying people and saying creepy things all the time until you eventually got banned and you even try to come back on alts.It's up to the person who banned you to check but I'm not sure anyone wants you unbanned when I see the warn and ban reasons
hindercanrun u dont even know what happened
You shouldn’t be a creep, it’s not nice.
It doesn’t matter if it was years ago, stuff like this can really hurt someone.You deserve to stay banned
you deserve to stay mad
Says the one asking to get unbanned for being a creep.
your complaining on my thread though