How to play with bots ?
I tried several commands to make the bots appears in my server but nothing works.
I have tried this :
seta scr_bot_difficulty "normal"
seta scr_bots_managed_all "19"
seta scr_bots_managed_spawn "19"and this :
set scr_bot_difficulty "normal"
set scr_bots_managed_all "19"
set scr_bots_managed_spawn "19"Can i have some help please ? Thanks a lot.
Put the
folder of Bot Warfare in%localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t5
then set the dvarbots_manage_fill
to 12 or whatever -
Daishinkan96 Like Resxt said, take the maps folder from bot warfare but I have an addon for you to try with it, this goes in
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; init() { thread manageBots(); level thread onPlayerConnect(); } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill("connected", player); if(!player is_bot()) { //kick a bot everytime a real player joins the server player kickBot(); } } } manageBots() { level endon("game_ended"); print(va("*****Manage Bots FFA Func Started*****")); CHECK_INTERVAL = 2; BOT_MAX = 12; BOT_MIN = 2; PLAYERS_LIMIT = 16; for(;;){ botsCount = countBots(); if( (level.players.size > PLAYERS_LIMIT && botsCount > BOT_MIN) || botsCount > BOT_MAX) kickBot2(); else if( (level.players.size < PLAYERS_LIMIT && botsCount < BOT_MAX) || botsCount < BOT_MIN) setdvar("bots_manage_add", 1); wait CHECK_INTERVAL; } } countBots(){ botsCount = 0; for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ ) { if(level.players[i] is_bot()) botsCount++; } return botsCount; } kickBot() { players = level.players; for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { player = players[i]; if(player is_bot()) { kick(player getEntityNumber(),"EXE_PLAYERKICKED"); break; } } wait .5; } kickBot2(){ players = level.players; for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ ) { player = players[i]; if(player is_bot() && !player isHost()) return kick(player getEntityNumber()); } }
Quikkster you should explain what it does, not everyone can read scripts.
Also it looks like something you could do with
bots_manage_fill "12"
andbots_manage_fill_kick "1" -
Resxt true true