How do i add bots in my server?
Drgn That would be great!
Drgn that's what I meant by not working.
Bots ARE working but you need to initialize the bot system. This means that the bot configuration needs to be loaded. Xerxes can tell you more about it.
They need certain dvars to be set, I tried to do that via GSC which failed, then shortly after I got to talk to RektInator I lost access to the source code before I could try to force change the dvars.
So yeah, set a few dvars and you are good to go. -
Xerxes said in How do i add bots in my server?:
Do you know wich ones?
@oMattify has bots in his server by using custom commands in GSC, admin types spawnbot in console and they will spawn.
bots are possible but they are crashing servers. ive a script which spawns them in and calculates it perfectly so its only 17 players. still server crashes after 30mins-1h.. wait for pluto update and try ur best
Cue Could you shoot me the script? I need bots for testing weapon damage and cant get them working on my server properly
Won't send you the whole script because it kinda took time for me
dobots(a) { for(i = 0; i < a; i++) { wait 1; thread maps\mp\bots\_bot::spawn_bot("autoassign"); } wait 0.01; }
thread it like this: self thread doBots(6);
^ 6 would spawn
or put it in your menu as example on my base:addFunction("adminMenu", "Spawn 6 Bots",::doBots, 6 );
Cue thanks, I was thinking of adding in a GSC menu for admins only to do things like this and give it to only admins from their ID.
will warn you, you will get crashes
@ice-sts-cue got a problem spawn_bot" with 1 parameters in "_bot" at line 1