[Release] [Zombies] Black Ops 2 Alternative Ammo Types
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Running into issue on origins with fireworks killing teammates and myself if running infront of the spray Was specifically the C96 pistol
Also some games can kill own teammates turned zombie.
Probably cause im overloading with mods or some shit idkedit: seems to happen with every gun on origins with fireworks
chasef7 If you don't know GSC then don't mix different mods with this one and you have won't have any issues. Mixing different mods causes issues unless you know what your doing.
chasef7 Fireworks and turned zombies should be fixed. Report back if there is still problem.
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@dontknowletsplay No clue if you still update this or patch bugs, however I have found that this mod prevents afterlife from triggering upon being downed in MOTD and makes you a lot more likely to just die and lose your run.
UPDATE: Fixed AATs saving issue and afterlife not triggering.
Disappoint Sorry for late answer but this should be now fixed.
is it supposed to look like this?
noob123004 Yes
Seem to crash every time I load into Transit and its deffo this mod that is doing it. As I wasn't crashing before I removed the script and Transit loads fine now.
@Unknown-Love when i was playing my game didn't say what aat i was using and then something killed me
Obtaizen I have the same problem, do you figured the patch ?
No I just removed the mod
Obtaizen Ok, I'm rewriting it, i'll give you the patched versiojn
Obtaizen and for people like us that can't load Tranzit, you just have to comment/delete this line in the souce code :
if( getdvar( "mapname" ) == "zm_transit" ) level._effect[ "jetgun_smoke_cloud" ] = loadfx( "weapon\thunder_gun\fx_thundergun_smoke_cloud" );
I think the Thundergun is from Black OPS 1 so is this piece of code.
Now Transit work peacefully!
@Unknown-Love This script is awesome, thank you for making it, however I've found 2 bugs on Town survival (maybe other maps too?):
- Sometimes the first pack only costs 2,500 instead of 5,000
- Galil & FAL ADS sights are broken when double paping
Thank you!
Latest issues in comments should now be fix.
dontknowletspl Thanks for the awesome update.
It seems that the ADS for Galil, FAL, etc, has been fixed!
However, sometimes you can still double pap for 2500, I'll give you an example. I loaded into a custom game round 30 to test this. I bought MP5 and double packed it with no errors. Then I packed my M1911 and it only cost 2500.
Loving this mod, makes it much more enjoyable but a little OP at times XD
Only issue I've come across is on Buried. Going into the portal in the middle of the maze, whether walking or jumping in, you take hella fall damage and its killed me twice. I've also tested with only this modpack installed so im assuming it is this.
I don't know if theres meant to be, but hitmarks would be nice to indicate when your AAT has gone off, as I still don't know what Headcutter those.
Amazing mod though, very well done