Port or ip to allow sending heartbeats
If I block all ipv4 what I need to allow to send heartbeats successfully? I alrdy did it before I don’t find the thread, it’s Port HTTPS 443 but I don’t remember Xerxes i remind u replied if I’m not wrong
We have ddos issues
LoveSeeker Cookies is Crypton servers your supposed to be banned from plutonium why are you here
LoveSeeker heartbeats are outbound only so you don't need to open any ports for heartbeats to work. Game traffic needs an inbound rule on the port you set in the server startup parameters.
However none of this will prevent you from getting ddosed, they can flood your server even if you have 0 ports open to the public. -
Dss0 Did you know that Crypton servers are actually Cookies? a year ago they got banned for leaking ips and ddosing. You should probably ban these servers as many players have complained about them getting ddosed after joining.
abstrego2 no i don't know anything about that. we need concrete proof of ddos attacks, router logs for example.
Dss0 I dont have much proof as this was a while ago but you guys should look into this. They have a role in their discord called X if you get the role or anyone who has the role is from the old server before you guys deleted it.
Dss0 Hey where can i post the proof? here?

here is a translated thing from one of Mattehs staff members
YoMatt is a admin on the "Cookies servers" he is translating as it was french
Bullshits, my Pluto account got stolen and those ss are just fakes, ever heard of extension “edit anything”?
LoveSeeker7 Dude stop lying YOU LIE
LoveSeeker shut up bignut pls