Failed to Fetch Info
Mr. Android its turned off, still nothing.
gozfthr Can you show me the following page please to confirm it's allowed through the windows firewall?
Mr. Android
I found a fix for myself out of anger, I put plutonium on my desktop and spam clicked plutonium, a bunch of cmd windows popped up over one another, until eventually one worked and opened up the launcher and i was able to start the game. opening all the cmd prompts didnt lag my computer, so i think anyone having this problem could try it, and when the launcher opens close all the other cmd prompts.
gozfthr Yeah we are aware of the "keep trying until it works" workaround, we'll be sure to update you if we find a better fix.
Try a VPN and see if that works, if so it confirms the issue isn't a pc software issue and is a network issue.
frosty May I ask what internet provider you are with? We have other users on xfinity with this issue, do you have this provider?
This post is deleted!
any update on how to fix this problem? ive had this error ever since i downloaded the iw5 client and i cant resolve the error.
i have this problem too when ever i try to run plutonium.exe setup it said this
Failed to fetch info: Get "": dial tcp: lookup no such host
frosty thats what is happening to me rn
Try a different dns server on your pc
i tried every thing you wrote up there but still nothing
i need a fix please it been 3 days
admins of plutonium you need to fix this it really annoying.
Setting dns to or using a vpn should fix it tho
I had the same issue just now and it is because Xfinity, you have to get into the Xfinity xFi ( page and go to services a deactivate the "advanced security", this is what is blocking the plutonium. This just applies if you have Xfinity of course.
Okay try this please:
Open Device Manager by right clicking on the windows icon on the bottom left of your screen.
Double click on Network Adapters.
Right click on WAN Miniport (IP), WAN Miniport(IPv6) and WAN Miniport (PPTP) and choose uninstall.
At the top of the window choose Action tab > Scan for hardware changes.
The adapters you just uninstalled should come back
Restart your system
im having the same issue also earlier it had said pre_gfx.ff
nyhzo Bruh completely unrelated error. Run piry in your bo2 folder and don't hijack other threads. If you still face another error elaborate and screenshot it in a new thread, don't reply here further.