pluto_t6_full_game files wont redownload after I uninstalled plutonium a while ago
So little background, I originally had everything downloaded and everything was working well. Until I had to download a heavy application for school so I decided to delete plutonium and now since I'm on summer break. I wanted to redownload plutonium but when I did I only got the .exe application and not the other game files. Any help?
Buy the game on Steam
Pally don't you realize that Activison is now Focusing on Piracy Problem like remember what happen to IW4X Just buy the Full game on Steam Because we are in a Dark Situation Right nows.
or ask someone who still has the game torrents if you need one
FaZe Flick Downloading from torrents won't last for long. They are going to implement ownership verification soon. It's best to buy the game when it's on sale.
plutoniums gonna die out that way or will it fix affairs with activision?
FaZe Flick Nothing is guaranteed, but why risk the whole project due to piracy. Not everyone is broke and can't afford the game. There are actually a lot of players that own the game on steam. Remember plutonium wasn't made for FREE GAMES. There are a lot of community clients out there besides COD. That require ownership and been around for years and still active till this day.
well i dont own waw and bo2 for steam i only own bo1. that makes it for people like me unfair; and id find it just a waste of money unless you wait for the sales just to try to keep playing on plutonium. but sadly at the end of the day its what activision wants and its what they get. lose lose scenario
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Resxt Really we have to buy a game of 13 years in full price to play plutonium, for me it's not worth it, im not saying that plutonium is bad, but the game is old, it's not worth spending 60 dollars on it.
BW507 you can get the lan loader mod for pluto to play with torrents still or you can buy it during the steam sale for 20$ and you dont need to buy the dlc since pluto is only checking if you have the game bought