Launcher Will not open with StartServer.bat running
When I open to start my server, it runs perfectly fine. When I got to launch IW5x through the launch it pops the CMD then it exits and the launcher does. When I start the game first then the server the server don't pop up in list...
my too
did you even follow
i do all tut in
but i don`t know what the problem
Windows Server 2012 R2 -
xViTr there is no longer support for windows server 2012 r2 you need to update your windows server to windows server 2019 in order for it to work now
FragsAreUs after i updated to windows server 2019 i got this
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x004A5942
xViTr make sure is installed
and direct x
vc_redist.x86.exe ===== didn`t work
vc_redist.x64.exe ====== workthx for help
np should of relooked at that link but yea enjoy
I have fixed my issue! thanks for the help!