my mods collectados since 2012 (updated)(03-10-2023)add weapons skin(complete)105%
updated , 02-10-2023: i remove glossy gloves except sas , acr pink as optional , 2 optional gold skins
i add mini maps compass for mw3 dlc maps but as pluto client load dlc maps from custommap folder not from steam dlc files so it cannot loaded if you need to get them, from my file z_hd.iwd and copy everymap file into same map file that are on custommap folder , also now z_hd.iwd file for huds and loading screen, z_hud_blue.iwd for gloves and weapons skins and textures only , there is no more maps textures you can get maps texture as other optional download files from this same main topic with size 1.8gb maps textures -
updated the collection 3.10.2023
*i remove glossy gloves except sas ,
Ā *acr pink as optional ,
*5 optional replace the gold skin input in rar file you need select and extract the inside into the game folder
*i add 2 optional normal skins for you can replace them by overwrite the files inside z_hud_blue.iwd
*i fix and delete the flag that are in carepackage box
*i remove the edited flags textures for dom mode flags- i delete functions i was add inside z_svr_bots.iwd mod as it caused crash on demlation mode
Great work, but I want to have the weapons back as they were originally. Supposedly inside one of the .RAR files there is a folder called "Old SKin BackUps", I use it and I don't see any changes in at least these 3 weapons: SCAR-L, AK-74u and the MP7, in addition to the silencer. Where could I get the original files please? Thank You
Darth_Kanetaker hello , thank you for your comment , open z_hud_blue.iwd and scroll down search for files started with
and delete the weapon skins that you dont want this z_hud_blue.iwd file includes only weapons skins and gloves , you can also check my old comments and check links for other gloves you can download and overwrite the files in z_hud_blue.iwd to any gloves you get from internet or weapon skins
try keep the weapon files end with _nml these files for background metal texture you can also delete them if you dont want metal texturesregards
neroZzero-2035 Thank you very much for your answer. I'm going to try these changes.
Besides, another concern of mine is that some maps appear with themes and night skies; How do I get these maps to have a daytime setting again? While in other maps the changes you made are perfect.Thank You
Another question: What about those files that start with "~weapon"?? Do they influence something or not? Since I see several of them within said "hud_blue" file.
hi again, simply remove z_night.iwd iff you dont want night sky box
also download
scroll up you will find it in the main post this software will give you optional skyboxes for any mw3 maps dlc mw3 maps included
also if you dont want night time vision , just edit vision folder -
yes ~weapon give another type of texture for weapons these file includes same weapons skins you can remove them also about skybox , just use MW3+Sky+Customizer.rar software and target game files to locate you can simply select any sky you like its about 15 optional sky types
Darth_Kanetaker you have good skin and want add texture for it !right
let us say your skin name is weapon_g36_col.iwi right dont edit anything on it ,
you need to do download
these two iwi files
~weapon_renameme_spec-rgb&we~54b1b60a.iwimake the first file name like this
after edit name put them inside images folder that are inside z_hud_blue.iwd file open it by winrar or z7note: make sure not edit name for your original weapon_g36_col.iwi
u only need to replace weapon_g36_nml.iwi and the other one started with ~ -
neroZzero-2035 Thak you very much for the help
neroZzero-2035 In the case of the DOME map, how do I return only its textures to the original?
Darth_Kanetaker from this file z_doom_texture.iwd , i dont know what the exact file to remove the dome texture try delete one by one until you find it also this file include bricks , and let me know what the file you delete cause i also want to know
In itself I only left those files, so the map practically looks like the original but cleaner and sharper.
Darth_Kanetaker what these files for end with _col.iw and me_sidewalk1
neroZzero-2035 "me_sidewalk1" It is the floor with gray barks where the tank and the vehicles are. But I don't know about files with " _col.iw"
Separately, I have another concern and it is whether there is a way to correct, replace or improve the sound of the weapons in MW3. Since there are some weapons that sound better in other versions of CoD, in real life, or in movies (for example: The Model 1887 in Terminator 2).
Additionally, I noticed that some phrases warning about certain activated killstreaks (example: "Friendly Chopper" instead of "Friendly Cobra") have been changed. In that case, it would be very cool if you could give more impact to the "the enemy have Juggernaut" alert, adding that intimidating sound of the MW2 juggernauts in the background.