[ZM] Moon Easter Egg mod (Solo & Coop)
I’m guessing that the cut/German version of the game does indeed prevent mods from showing up in the Mods menu even if the mod’s folder is placed in the correct directory.The alternative is to extract the mod’smaps
folder and place it in:%localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t5
Note that doing so will automatically load the scripts designated to a map whenever that map is loaded.Edit: according to RagucciDoko, the mod’s folder was installed in an incorrect path and the game’s version is the uncut German version. I guess the situation regarding the cut version remains a mystery at least for me.
undefined Hadi77KSA referenced this topic on
Hadi77KSA hi bro, i got a problem with moon ee, can we talk on discord? molasku is my user
molasku as I’ve discussed with you on Discord, all the mod does on Moon is give Richtofen the constructed Vril Generator. Any other issues are unrelated to the mod, and a Moon Easter Egg guide should be referred to for such problems.
Hadi77KSA is shangri la completeable with two players
MorganJeff what a bozo
MorganJeff the answer is included in my comment that contains the download link.
yeah just saw a comment saying that they couldn't get past the pressure plate with 2 players but thanks anyway Hadi77KSA
MorganJeff that comment was asking about an older version of the mod. The version provided in my comment has been updated to make that step work with any number of players.
Thank you gonna go have a crack at it now cheers for replying so fast Hadi77KSA
The download link doesn't exist anymore.
Sp3cialFox the one in my comment (or my separate post) still works.
Hadi77KSA You are amazing.
i still cant get passed the placing vril device in pressure plate with 2 players Hadi77KSA
Awks sorry, but I don’t recognise this step from your description. Could you explain it in more detail and provide what map you’re talking about?
Hadi77KSA during the moon easteregg, the step where you place vrill device in pressure plates at the computer, richtofen is not spawning with device, or can place it at that step of the EE
Awks if Richtofen isn’t getting the constructed Vril Generator at the beginning of the match on Moon, I suspect that the host either doesn’t have the mod installed correctly or they haven’t loaded the mod before starting the match. Could you provide a picture from the host showing the mod loaded in-game as well as a picture showing the contents of the mod’s
folder? Paste here the full path of the mod’smaps
folder as well. -
undefined bhfff referenced this topic on
hello, me and my friend would like to do the shangri-la secret, but after activating power, we couldn't get access to the eclipse by pressing the buttons, could u help ?
Hey, I copied my "main" folder, "zone" folder and "localization.txt" of Black ops to T5 folder. After this I've downloaded patch-FR that I paste and replaced on the two previous folder and it works !
See you on ZM
the lin is not working is the file deleted?
undefined Xerxes moved this topic from BO1 Modding Releases & Resources on
Hadi77KSA bro i can do moon egg with this solo or it need two people minimun? sorry for my english