[Release][ZM] Solo and Any Player Easter Egg Mods
This mod allows the Easter Eggs of Ascension, Shangri-La, and Moon to be done solo. These scripts also work for any number of players.
I’ve originally had most of what’s written in this guide as a comment under a post for the Moon solo mod, but I figured it would be better to make it into a separate post. The mod’s scripts are provided by teh-bandit.Gameplay Guide
- Easter egg completable with any amount of players
- Synchronized buttons step now gives players 100 seconds to press all 4 buttons when not in a 4 player game
- Lander step is skipped when playing solo
- Freeing Gersh step only requires the ZeusCannon and Gersh Device when playing solo
- Easter egg completable with any amount of players
- Tile matching step is automatically completed shortly after activating when playing solo
- Water slide step only requires hitting the switch/lever that is in the water slide
- Easter egg completable with any amount of players
- No longer requires completion of previous easter eggs
- Richtofen MUST be in game
Use this link to download the scripts: https://github.com/teh-bandit/BO1-Eggs/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
Extract theBO1-Eggs-main
folder. This will be the mod’s folder containing the necessary files. Don’t modify its contents.
You can rename the folder if you wish. I have it renamed toBO1-Eggs
IMPORTANT: if you plan on using this mod with other players, each player other than the host will need to either make sure they don’t have a mod loaded or match the name of the mod folder.Installation
Follow this link to install: https://plutonium.pw/docs/modding/loading-mods/#loading-mods--custom-zombies-maps-for-bo1
The below picture shows the path and content of the mod’s
folder after finishing:
The Mods menu should show the mod if it’s been installed in the correct path. The below picture shows the mod appearing in the Mods menu and a line showing which mod is loaded if one is loaded:
Note: if the mod doesn’t appear in the Mods menu after correctly placing it in the directory stated in the instructions I’ve linked, then try the alternative of extracting the mod’smaps
folder and placing it in:%localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\t5
Note that doing so will automatically load the scripts designated to a map whenever that map is loaded.(v2) Any Player EE Scripts
This mod makes the Easter Eggs of the Black Ops maps Ascension, Shangri-La, and Moon possible with any number of players. For Ascension and Shangri-La, the modifications were made to match the changes applied by the Solo Easter Eggs mod for BO3.
- Download the repository.
- Extract the
folder from the zip file that was downloaded. - Move the
folder to the correct directory:- For Plutonium, follow their guide for T5: https://plutonium.pw/docs/modding/loading-mods/#loading-mods--custom-zombies-maps-for-bo1
- Start the game and select the mod from the in-game
Alternative Installation for Plutonium
- Follow steps 1 & 2 from the main installation instructions.
- Go to
by pressing Win+R then pasting the mentioned path then press OK. - Open the
folder and copy themaps
folders from inside of it. - Paste the
folders into thet5
This makes the mod load automatically instead of having to select it from in-game.
Space Monkeys Round Buttons
Requires only as many buttons as there are players instead of all.
Lunar Lander Letters
On solo, does not require the player to be riding the lander to be able to collect the letters.
On co-op, this step is unchanged.Damaging the Orb
On solo, the Matryoshka Dolls are not required. However, the rest of the weapons are required, which are: Gersh Device, Zeus Cannon (upgraded Thunder Gun), Porter's X2 Ray Gun (upgraded Ray Gun).
On co-op, this step is unchanged.Shangri-La
Entering Eclipse
Requires pushing only as many buttons as there are players instead of all.
Matching Tiles Puzzle
On solo, requires walking over all tiles on the side where the button for making the tiles appear is to complete the step.
On co-op, this step is unchanged.Water Slide
On solo, the player is only required to go down the water slide.
On co-op, requires all players except one to be at the bottom of the water slide standing on the pressure plate, then the remaining player to go down the slide while the rest are on the pressure plate.Moon
The Vril Generator is given to the player playing as Richtofen regardless of the number of players and regardless of the completions of the previous maps' Easter Eggs.
Additionally, on solo, the player will always spawn as Richtofen.(v3) Any Player EE SR Scripts
This mod makes the Easter Eggs of the Black Ops maps Ascension and Shangri-La possible with any number of players for the purpose of speedruns. For Ascension, the modifications were made to mix between the old BO1 solo mod and the Solo Easter Eggs mod for BO3. For Shangri-La, the modifications were made to match the changes applied by the BO3 Solo Easter Eggs mod.
- Download the repository.
- Extract the
folder from the zip file that was downloaded. - Move the
folder to the correct directory:- For Plutonium, follow their guide for T5: https://plutonium.pw/docs/modding/loading-mods/#loading-mods--custom-zombies-maps-for-bo1
- Start the game and select the mod from the in-game
Alternative Installation for Plutonium
- Follow steps 1 & 2 from the main installation instructions.
- Go to
by pressing Win+R then pasting the mentioned path then press OK. - Open the
folder and copy themaps
folders from inside of it. - Paste the
folders into thet5
This makes the mod load automatically instead of having to select it from in-game.
Space Monkeys Round Buttons
Requires all 4 buttons to be pressed within 100 seconds in the case of less than 4 players.
Lunar Lander Letters
On solo, does not require the player to be riding the lander to be able to collect the letters.
On co-op, this step is unchanged.Damaging the Orb
On solo, the Matryoshka Dolls are not required. However, the rest of the weapons are required, which are: Gersh Device, Zeus Cannon (upgraded Thunder Gun), Porter's X2 Ray Gun (upgraded Ray Gun).
On co-op, this step is unchanged.Shangri-La
Entering Eclipse
Requires pushing only as many buttons as there are players instead of all.
Matching Tiles Puzzle
On solo, requires walking over all tiles on the side where the button for making the tiles appear is to complete the step.
On co-op, this step is unchanged.Water Slide
On solo, the player is only required to go down the water slide.
On co-op, requires all players except one to be at the bottom of the water slide standing on the pressure plate, then the remaining player to go down the slide while the rest are on the pressure plate.FAQ
- Q: How do I know if the mod is working properly?
A: Generally, by checking the Plutonium bootstrapper for the following line:
whereLoading script "maps/FILENAME"...
can be any name from the mod’smaps
This should be under:
------- Game Initialization -------
There can be multiples of that “Loading script” line with different filenames depending on the map. If you don’t find this line or if the steps that should get changed aren’t changed, then check if the mod is installed correctly and that it’s loaded. Check the instructions in Installation for installing and loading the mod.
teh_bandit - For the scripts and the Gameplay Guide of v1.
Hadi77KSA - Me - hadikm77@hotmail.com
Itzs Nukez/Price and the speedrunning community - For decisions regarding v3.Notice
FINALLY YES, a Decent EE MOD for bo1, i'm gonna play them now, ty
btw another dumb question, if i wanna make the EEs with other player, we all need to install the mod? or only the host needs it? sorry but that part doesn't got clear enough
javascript_616 I believe just the host having it is enough. Feel free to let me know if that’s not the case.
Hadi77KSA update: i played with a friend in ascension, and it worked well, the only thing is, in some cases, when i launch the mode, it gives me an error , that says "zombie_combat" or something like that
javascript_616 I take it only the host needed the files installed, is that correct? Do you know if the other people who joined got the mod loaded for them automatically? Or were they able to join the host directly just like normal?
As for the error you were talking about, it's a problem with Plutonium's mod loader that seems to be caused by entering the zombies mode before switching mods. I'm basing this on the following: https://github.com/Nukem9/LinkerMod/issues/18
There's no need to worry about it.Image:
Full transcription of the error:Error
Could not find label 'main' in script 'animscripts/zombie_combat' -
yeah is correct, as i said, i completed the ascesion EE with a friend and it only requires the host have the mod, it works like normal private match, with the obvious condition that i need to active the mode, and welp , thanks for the error aclaration!!
This post is deleted!
undefined bhfff referenced this topic on Feb 2, 2024, 8:06 PM
Anyway to try and update it to maybe not just skip the lander step but instead make it so that you dont require anyone on it?
NotZythe from what I’ve seen from teh_bandit’s script modifications, his mod mostly utilised the code that was leftover by the game devs, and unfortunately what you’ve asked for doesn’t seem to be something that was leftover. I’ll see if I’m able to make the change you’ve asked for.
NotZythe updated the post to provide an alternative version which is similar to the solo mod that was made for BO3. If you notice any bugs, feel free to let me know.
Okay nothing bad happens if I do fast_restart right?
Mr_Noble54321 supposedly,
doesn’t properly reset everything. If you want to be safe, usemap_restart
. -
Hadi77KSA Okay
Is this compatible with ragdoll mods?
SidewaysGamer69 it’s probably compatible. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be.
I downloaded and it made me richtofen on moon but when i got to the step where the vrill defib is needed, i didnt have it
rmuss you should have it from the start of the match. If you don’t, then that indicates you either don’t have the mod loaded or don’t have the mod installed properly. Start the map and refer to the FAQ for how to check if the mod is working properly.
If you do get it at the start of the match but it was missing when you needed to place it after the 4 canisters soul step, then you left it at the computer.If you’re unable to resolve the problem, provide a screenshot of the contents of the
folder obtained from the mod folder, and keep the address bar showing; and provide another screenshot of the result of searching the external console forLoading script
after starting the map with the mod loaded. Doing so would help me to identify whether the mod is installed and getting loaded properly or not. -
Hadi77KSA i got it figured out. im not sure what the issue was i was trying to do the first method, even tried to redownload the files but that didn't wokr. ended up having to do the other method of putting the maps folder into the t5 storage folder. it worked s soon as i tried that method. it wasnt giving me the defib upon spawn but now it is. thank you
hello, trying to do ascension and on the final step of freeing gersch, i throw the device, the orb is there but i keep getting the voice line where 'there isnt enough power', i have zeus cannon and papped raygun, what do i do