[Release][ZM] Solo and Any Player Easter Egg Mods
NotZythe from what I’ve seen from teh_bandit’s script modifications, his mod mostly utilised the code that was leftover by the game devs, and unfortunately what you’ve asked for doesn’t seem to be something that was leftover. I’ll see if I’m able to make the change you’ve asked for.
NotZythe updated the post to provide an alternative version which is similar to the solo mod that was made for BO3. If you notice any bugs, feel free to let me know.
Okay nothing bad happens if I do fast_restart right?
Mr_Noble54321 supposedly,
doesn’t properly reset everything. If you want to be safe, usemap_restart
. -
Hadi77KSA Okay
Is this compatible with ragdoll mods?
SidewaysGamer69 it’s probably compatible. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be.
I downloaded and it made me richtofen on moon but when i got to the step where the vrill defib is needed, i didnt have it
rmuss you should have it from the start of the match. If you don’t, then that indicates you either don’t have the mod loaded or don’t have the mod installed properly. Start the map and refer to the FAQ for how to check if the mod is working properly.
If you do get it at the start of the match but it was missing when you needed to place it after the 4 canisters soul step, then you left it at the computer.If you’re unable to resolve the problem, provide a screenshot of the contents of the
folder obtained from the mod folder, and keep the address bar showing; and provide another screenshot of the result of searching the external console forLoading script
after starting the map with the mod loaded. Doing so would help me to identify whether the mod is installed and getting loaded properly or not. -
Hadi77KSA i got it figured out. im not sure what the issue was i was trying to do the first method, even tried to redownload the files but that didn't wokr. ended up having to do the other method of putting the maps folder into the t5 storage folder. it worked s soon as i tried that method. it wasnt giving me the defib upon spawn but now it is. thank you
hello, trying to do ascension and on the final step of freeing gersch, i throw the device, the orb is there but i keep getting the voice line where 'there isnt enough power', i have zeus cannon and papped raygun, what do i do
lucizz all I can suggest is to repeat the step until you get it done. After throwing the Gersh Device on the orb, just shoot the orb about twice with each of the weapons.
Hadi77KSA it worked thanks, i've ran into another two problems though, on shangri-la it won't let me pull the lever after walking the napalm zombie through the flammable corridor, gave up and loaded up moon instead, but on moon, i do the simon says step but the moment i hit the first terminal, it says i failed and resets me... i'm clueless as to what i've done wrong
lucizz for Shang, neither mod modifies the Napalm Zombie step. You’ll just have to set fire to the 4 gas leaks, then you’ll be able to pull the lever, just like the vanilla game.
For Moon, both mods give the constructed Vril Generator to Richtofen, and the Any Player EE mod additionally always sets the player to be Richtofen on solo. Neither mod modifies anything beyond that for Moon. So, the problem you’re experiencing is unrelated to the mods. I’d have to see a video to determine the cause of the problem, but my guess is that you’re confusing the order to be starting earlier than it actually is. The order starts from the moment that all screens flash the same colour. -
undefined Hadi77KSA referenced this topic on
Hadi77KSA so i have tried your v1 and v2 with my friend (just us two) and each time we get to the button presses it just doesn't work. It makes a beeping noise then sounds like a error sound efx. I am not sure whats going on but it just doesn't seem to want to work.
Aimbot Make sure the host has the mod loaded, as indicated in the FAQ. If you’re still having trouble despite making sure it’s installed, get screenshots from the host showing the lines under
Game Initialization
, and showing the address bar from File Explorer when themaps
folder is opened that’s inside the mod folder.Also, note that v1 and v2 handle the buttons step differently. One requires pressing all 4 buttons within 100 seconds, and the other requires pressing as many buttons as there are players simultaneously.
so im on shang, and im on the knifing the glyphs step. everytime i knife every glyph Richtofen gives some dialogue then i blow up the tent but everytime i do it never ends the eclipse and im just stuck
Vex Mythomilk None of the mods modify anything outside of what’s mentioned. If you experience a problem outside of the mentioned modifications, then it’s a problem of the vanilla game, and you should refer to existing guides for the Easter Egg you’re attempting.
The problem you mentioned sounds like you blew up the structure before activating all 12 tiles. At that point, you’d have to either activate the rest of the tiles that you haven’t activated already before the timer runs out so that you complete the step, or wait for the timer to run out to reset the step.
Hadi77KSA do you know if the bo3 version is any different them bo1?
Vex Mythomilk I don’t get what you’re asking about specifically.
If you’re asking about the Easter Eggs themselves without mods, they aren’t much different aside from Moon on BO3 always giving Richtofen the constructed Vril Generator and always giving Richtofen in solo, whereas on BO1 giving the constructed Vril Generator would require the players to be playing co-op and to have collectively completed the Easter Eggs of co-op Call of the Dead and Shangri-La.
If you’re asking about the BO3 Solo Easter Eggs mod and the mods provided in my post, v2 replicates the BO3 solo mod, and it also replicates BO3 Moon’s behaviour that was described in the previous paragraph.