Mystery Box Scripts
The Joker is the Teddy Bear to make the Chest disappear.
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So ive fixed few things.
- Fixed Chest spawn (should now spawn in Nuketown too)
- Added Chest Price
- Added Tomahawk Fix for Mystery Box Tomahawk
Download: -
Sometimes the box gives nothing and takes my guns, how can I fix this
Yap some of the Items give Hands maybe due Events or so. I need to upload a Updated one where its fixed actually.
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so fixed lot of empty weapons
Scripts: -
How can you edit the weapons list? There is nothing in the mods menu...
Im new sorry
adicto_al_115 this is a script not a mod
Scripts are loaded automatically
Mods are loaded through the mods menu -
yes its a Script which u have to put into t6 folder.
To Modify Weapon List use the uncompiled Script and open it you see the weapon list.
With this mod can I find out the probability weight of weapons? I've been looking online for this for a while and I don't see anyone talking about it.
Juliebas There is no weighting system in BO2. All weapons except the Ray Gun Mark II have equal chance of being picked. RGM2 just has a 66% chance on being rolled to reroll for a different gun instead.
Why am i getting nothing out of the mystery box?
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EDIT: Nvm my browser finally loaded the other links! -
my game crashed when i opened the box when i played on mob of the dead
does the scripts have a part where it removes all weapons a the beginning of the code? cause i wasn't getting perks out of the box from another mod
hmm ok have to check it out cause was learning how it works. Basically you can add Perks or if you add the Weapons Mods even the New Weapons. But some weapons dont exists in some maps so it happens that u get nothing or so.