Cant launch b01
b01 launches on steam but not plutonium, I have attempted to track the issue down and believe it is due to the fact that I dont have the file "en_plutonium_ui.ff" and I cannot find it anywhere online and cannot find a way to obtain it. If anyone could either show me how to obtain it or send me the file I would be greatly appreciated. If you do have it, the file should be located in Call of Duty Black Ops 1/zone/English.
sneezeyweezey said in Cant launch b01:
b01 launches on steam but not plutonium, I have attempted to track the issue down and believe it is due to the fact that I dont have the file "en_plutonium_ui.ff"
How did you come to that conclusion? I don't have this file and it works.
The only fastfiles (.ff) that plutonium needs arepatch_mp.ff, plutonium_ui.ff and plutonium_ui_mp.ff
those are located in
Dss0 When launching the game, it would give me an error message in console about that file. And again I only think this is the issue, and was not 100% sure. regardless I have obtained this file and it has not solved my problem
There should be a console.log file in %localappdata%/Plutonium. Try launching T5 first then upload that log file here (or upload it to a site like pastebin and post the link).
Dss0 GNU nano 8.0 console.log
execing ragdoll.cfg from fastfile
Cmd_AddCommand: scrProfileInfo already defined
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
Trying SMP acceleration...
Detected 8 cpus, using 2 worker threads.
----- R_Init -----
Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
Pixel shader version is 3.0
Vertex shader version is 3.0
Attempting 800 x 600 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hz
Game window successfully created.
Creating Direct3D device...
Adding fastfile 'en_code_post_gfx' to queue
Adding fastfile 'code_post_gfx' to queue
Loading fastfile 'en_code_post_gfx'
used 0.37 MB memory in DB alloc
Loading fastfile 'code_post_gfx'
used 5.77 MB memory in DB alloc
Adding fastfile 'en_plutonium_ui' to queue
Adding fastfile 'plutonium_ui' to queue
Adding fastfile 'en_patch' to queue
Adding fastfile 'patch' to queue
Using 1 GPU(s).
WARNING: Could not find zone 'Z:\extra\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops\zone\english\en_plutonium_ui.ff'
Initializing render targets...
Loading fastfile 'plutonium_ui'
Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
used 0.39 MB memory in DB alloc
DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
Initializing static model cache...
Initializing dynamic buffers...
Initializing particle cloud buffer...
Creating Direct3D queries...
Setting initial state...
Video memory for device: 4094 MB.
Rounded video memory size: 4096 MB.
DirectX reports 4096 MB of video memory and 4062 MB of available texture memory.
Picmip is set manually.
Using picmip 3 on most textures, 3 on normal maps, and 3 on specular maps
Loading fastfile 'en_patch'
used 0.02 MB memory in DB alloc
Loading fastfile 'patch'
used 3.96 MB memory in DB alloc -
Dss0 I should also mention the game launches, but just to a black screen where I can do nothing. Im not sure if this is relevant but my operating system is arch linux
I'm not sure if t5 even runs in wine but that fastfile error is actually irrelevant. I have the same thing in my log and the game still works, seems that was left over from when that file actually existed.
Maybe check the wine log.