[ BO2 TranZit 2.0 Reimagined Release ]
Ultimateman Sorry friend, but you have the celestial skybox that appears in one of your tranzit tests? please
NightMaRe_911 I'm not sure I have to check. Currently the skybox looks like this:
Ultimateman Nevermind, that one looks cool too
NightMaRe_911 thanks, I appreciate it!
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I've found that Tranzit keeps crashing. Buried, Nuketown, and Alcatraz all go fine, but even when the fog is turned on and no other mods are on Tranzit crashes every time with different error codes, sometimes omitting the crash report altogether. Idk if it was the recent update or if I'm doing something wrong but I'd love a fix! Thank you
Ejacula especs?
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NightMaRe_911 I assume you're asking the exception codes? sorry I'm not well versed, but they've been 0xC0000005 twice and 0xC000008C once.
Ejacula I can't confirm wether the crashing is caused due to tranzit 2.0 since I have not played in in forever.
New version of Tranzit Reimagined is coming out soon which is confirmed to work with the latest version of Plutonium. Stay tuned -
Im new to plutonium but I got some of the more simpler mods installed/placed in right areas. This one however Im unsure of and the wiki for it doesnt feel like it explicitly states where this type of mod goes for each folder.
l3lackBeard The new updated tranzit reimagined mod with plenty of gameplay add on features will be super easy to load. you just click the mods tab and "load it" by clicking it.
Stay tuned -
l3lackBeard I would teach this the same way i usually tell people about learning to use the PC, just learn the most basic parts of what are filetypes, everything else goes from it
I cannot for the life of me get this to run. I have no other mods installed, and I followed the steps exactly and even watched the YouTube tutorial in case I missed something. Whenever I open the game, the game runs as normal and the mod does not take effect. Some other info that may be helpful:
- I am running the game from the Plutonium Launcher
- The base game is from Steam
- The game path is correct
- I downloaded the mod from MediaFire
I can provide screenshots if necessary. Given what I told you, do you potentially have an idea of what went wrong?
stevewithjeves you need the scripts from my github, the original files have been outdated. Also the t6r version doesn't work anymore.
I suggest you waiting till this Saturday when my new version of Tranzit Reimagined is released.
You can check out the trailer for what's coming at here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MmFCp_UHA0&ab_channel=Ultimateman -
Ultimateman Thank you, I thought I was going crazy. Hyped to play the updated version for myself, it looks awesome!
stevewithjeves Here's a little treat showcasing the newly implemented hud
Hope you like it
Ultimateman zamn
was there a bug that moved it to tomorrow?