My collection of IW5 scripts
esiii I don't know
Hi, friends! Tell me how to add a line with low health?
level.teamTweaks["fftype"].value = 1; // Disable friendly fire
level.gameTweaks["allowkillcam"].value = 1; // Enable killcams - doesn't seem to work anymore
level.killcam = false; // Enable killcams
self.maxhealth = 10;
}“self.maxhealth = 10;” - This method doesn't work...
CoBa_09 this method might work but you're doing it completely wrong
I think you can just change HP in the DSR file of the gamemode
Resxt Thanks, friend! But in the directory "Plutonium\storage\iw5", there are no files with such extension...
CoBa_09 this is when you save a gamemode from private games or when you have a server (then it's in the main folder of your game folder iirc)
Resxt I want to use these settings for private game with bots
CoBa_09 then save a gamemode and edit the dsr file it saves on your PC, change the maxhealth value
Resxt Excellent! Everything worked out! Thank you very much, friend!
Resxt its posible to disable gun game gamemode in console or only deleting script in scripts folder?
Resxt How to disable showing this errors in chat, this started appear in new version of pluto, in older version not showing errors in chat
Medison by default no, but you can simply put a condition in the init function that checks for a server port or a dvar that you set in your server CFG and so on to disable the gun gamemode while keeping the script installed, lots of easy solutions
You can see my mapvote for an example
As for the errors I don't know
Resxt it is possible in this script to change gun after 2 kills not 1
Medison should be doable by editing several parts of the script, especially around
Resxt Can you please do it in this file because I don't really understand what needs to be edited
Resxt Sorry if I'm bothering you with all this, how to add specialist streak in this script and make zero damage knife?
Resxt Regarding the knife, I already found your script, disable damage
Resxt by the way deepseek able to edit script and it works great (i mean about 2 kills)
Medison I forgot about this sorry, so all good now?
Resxt Nothing to be sorry about and yeah 2 kills works great
Resxt if you are interested in seeing how ai edit your script here the screen, left is original script