[Release] [Mod Tools] Apothicon Servant
HdmisrealHow to install
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axetwQUbK7YIn your _zombiemode.gsc below:
Add this:
Add this to your mod.csv
xanim,ai_zombie_blackhole_walk_fast_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_quad_blackhole_crawl_fast_v1 xanim,ai_zombie_blackhole_crawl_fast_v1 weapon,sp/servant_zm weapon,sp/servant_upgraded_zm fx,servant\servant_hole fx,servant\servant_implode
Been trying to figure out how to add this to stock maps but still can't figure it out. Like I don't have a _zombiemode.gsc and not sure how to obtain it, very confused with this entire process if anyone knows much would be appreciated other than that I might wait to mess around with my game.
Lerrycapetime if you extract the map_name.ff you should have a file _zombiemode.gsc that contains the functions that includes the weapons in the map, if not, look in the map_name_patch.ff
shippuden1592 damnnn bro . I want to try this gun on bo1 . the tutorial is very confusing can you make a new one plzzz. thanks
undefined bhfff referenced this topic on
NGL im lost on how to download this
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