Plutonium launcher not responding
I open up the launcher but when I press play it loads and then crashes. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and downloading the directx thing that is said to be a fix.
And update prompt also pops up when I start it up but it looks like it doesn't do update much.
Well just downloading the directx doesn't work, you do have to run dxsetup.exe inside the directx folder as well
If it still exits out automatically after clicking play, what antivirus do you use?
HannesC Well yea that's what I meant sorry for not making that clear, and I use McAfee. I'm trying to reinstall right now.
Oh yes uninstall that shitty antivirus. Its known to cause issues with pluto and in general is a shitty av as well. Uninstall McAffee, restart your pc and launch pluto again.
HannesC Okay thank you
HannesC It worked thank you