Get error "Fastfile for zone 'code_pre_gfx_mp' is corrupt or unreadable."
Launcher Support
Yes, I have verified Steam files. I have also just redownloaded the game using piry.exe. Twice. I am sure I am using the correct directory for my game and my game file looks the same as the one in the tutorial. Please help.
@ccolson4072 Did piry.exe finish the installation?
Infamous you know what, i actually just tried again and did get some errors saying some files couldnt be downloaded. Why is this? any way to fix that? thanks for your response
@ccolson4072 Post the full error message
[link text]( link url)
MrSm1rksAlot piry doesn't work anymore, ->
Create a new topic if you have further issues as this one isn't really related to your issue./locked