XINPUT1_4.dll is missing
SPOOKED_YT Maybe, your friend's OS is outdated
@Claire-Elford maybe but we are still trying to get it work
SPOOKED_YT we don't support win7, he has to upgrade to win10.
Dss0 that isnt very epic
It is very epic, win7 isn't even supported by Microsoft anymore, considered EOL and has unpatched vulns, so why should Pluto support it anyway? You could upgrade to win10 for free, not sure why you haven't done it yet.
Why did one of replies about (successfully) running Plutonium in Windows 7 got deleted?
kosamja if we wanted people to do some workarounds that may or may not work we would tell them. We don't support win7, period. Even if it works on your system we won't help you with any issues you may experience.
el lanzador tiene que ser compatible para win7, ya es el unico sistema optimizado para pc de bajas recursos entonces no sirve de nada revivir a la vida el cod si no lo hacen compatible con el sistema
COSCA technically not true, win10 ltsc works fine on low-resource pcs. Also if your pc can't run win10 it prolly can't run the game either.
As i said in another topic: we're not planning on supporting outdated software like win7.
Also the forum language is english. -
Dss0 Low end pc can run Bo2 +60 fps, with a cfg. Even recording.
Windows 10 is awesome but not that friendly with low-resource pc.
The difference in performance is noticeable when when you use editing / programming software and not all of us have the possibility of having a good pc (latin america).
I hope you consider once again the compatibility with windows 7, I am sure there is a very large audience of bo2 regards.