Hello, can you help me?
when I walk into a game room the loading bar fills up but then it takes me out of the room, I don't know why -
Did you installed the game on a pendrive or a really slow hdd?
Maverick_ local disk C
same thing is happening to me
it says UPnP is off, that might be it, but i dont know how to turn it on
Are you talking about custom games with friends or public servers? If it's the first, follow this guide which guides you to port forward since your router might not support UPnP. If it's the second, on public dedicated servers, please show a screenshot of the error.
Assassin_boi Did you find a solution friend?
HannesC he just leaves the room, shows nothing
Did you even refer to the guide I linked?
HannesC I already did the guide and it's still the same
are the files ok?